At Little, Brown, Judy Clain is being promoted to editor-in-chief. She will chair the editorial board, oversee editorial staff, and serve as the house’s “primary ambassador to agents.” All of Little, Brown’s editors will report to her except for Reagan Arthur, who has her own imprint, and Geoff Shandler, both of whom report to publisher Michael Pietsch.
Shandler is taking the new position of editorial director, focusing on expanding their nonfiction program. Pietsch says he will “spearhead an ambitious effort to expand…into new directions, involving both print and digital, existing categories and new ones, innovative business partnerships and increased academic outreach, to bring the next generation of blockbuster talent to our list and grow the readership of our current nonfiction authors.”
The Stonesong Press has changed its name to Stonesong and reorganized into three divisions: literary agency, book developer, and custom publisher, while “increasing our commitment to our growing literary agency.” Judy Linden has been promoted to evp, literary agent, and director, digital and print media.