Pearson released a preliminary report of their full year 2024 results, with sales of £3.55 billion, compared to £3.67 billion in 2023, down due to currency fluctuations. Excluding businesses under strategic review, the company reports sales up 3 percent, due to growth in all segments except virtual schools. Operating profit was £541 million, up 9 percent from the previous year, “driven by increased trading profits, a reduction in property and intangible amortization charges, a lower year on year net loss from acquisitions and disposals, partially offset by one off UK discretionary pension charges,” according to a release. Adjusted operating profit […]
The Edit: Looking Toward Spring
Welcome back to our new monthly column about upcoming releases. This month we spoke to Lexie Smyth, Barnes & Noble’s campaign manager for fiction, who told us what the chain’s “highly engaged booksellers” are excited about. She mentioned Deep Cuts, Holly Brickley’s debut novel (Crown), which published this week. “It’s being called the great indie sleaze novel around these parts,” she said. Smyth called the upcoming season “an embarrassment of riches.” The galley she’s having the hardest time keeping stocked at her desk is the new Ocean Vuong novel, The Emperor of Gladness (Penguin Press, 5/13). “When they’re enthusiastic about […]
Obituary: Herman Graf
Herman Graf, 91, died on February 27 in Queens, NY. Graf began his publishing career in 1961, working at McGraw-Hill, Doubleday, Arco Books, and then Grove Press before founding Carroll & Graf with Kent Carroll in 1982. The company was acquired by Avalon in 1998 and Graf became editor-at-large in 2003. After Avalon was acquired by Perseus in 2007, Graf became an acquiring editor and consultant at Skyhorse.
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Imprints: Outsider Editions, Atria Australia, And More
Doubleday is launching a new trade paperback imprint called Outsider Editions. Executive editor at Doubleday Thomas Gebremedhin will lead the imprint, adding editorial director, Outsider Editions to his title. According to the publisher, the imprint “will be a reissue series dedicated to bringing attention to significant literary works—novels, stories, history, memoir, essays—that have been neglected or underappreciated.” Doubleday executive director of art & design Oliver Munday will design the books First titles will appear in the summer of 2026 and will include JOURNEY TO NOWHERE by Shiva Naipaul, NATIVES OF MY PERSON by George Lamming, SQUANDERING THE BLUE by Kate Braverman, […]