What does Perseus do for an encore after last year’s all-consuming Book: The Sequel BEA project in which they compiled a published a book live during the show? This year they are asking attendees to contribute their picks for the 10 most anticipated titles, across 10 different categories of books. Their publishing client The Daily Beast will cover results from the app on their site. And of course if your book is selected and you happen not to have digital distribution yet, Perseus’s Constellation will convert your book and arrange distribution. The app is available in Apple’s App Store, and […]
Archives for May 2010
Alibris Has Their Own Play for Self-Published (and Self-Promoting) Authors
Alibris has Author Stores, customizable, easy-to-create pages that let authors sell their books through the company’s marketplace (as well as their partners, including Barnes & Noble.com, Borders, Chapters Indigo, eBay, Half.com, and Waterstone’s.) CEO Brian Elliott says in the announcement “over a third of our marketplace sales are new books–most of those solidly in the ‘long tail’ — and through the new Author Stores sales channel and its dynamic features, authors can promote and sell more books.” You can view a sample author store at: http://www.alibris.com/stores/seanolaoire
New Books from Old Authors: Twain, Roth and Fallada
Mark Twain stipulated that some 5,000 pages of unpublished memoirs should not be published until at least 100 years after his death in 1910. On schedule, the University of California, Berkeley is preparing to release in November the first in a three-volume Autobiography of Mark Twain that will comprise 500,000 words in all.IndependentUC Press page The New York Times looks at the latest book to come from the prolifically posthumous publishing enterprise of the archives of the late Henry Roth. Norton will publish AN AMERICAN TYPE on June 7. The paper credits young New Yorker editor Willing Davidson with “quarr[ying] […]
ABA Actually Gains (9) Members for the Year
One previously-predictable lowpoint of BEA is moment during the American Booksellers Association annual meeting when a board member announces the annual decline in registered member stores. But this year, for the first time since we’ve been following the numbers, the association actually gained members–nine to be exact–with 1,410 registered stores. (That gain does not necessarily reflect a change in the entire store landscape, since not all independent bookstores are members of the national organization.) Here are the reported member-store numbers for the past decade: 2010: 1,4102009: 1,401 2008: 1,5242007: 1,580 2006: 1,6602005: 1,703 2004: 1,804 2003: 1,908 2002: 2,097 2001: […]
Lunch Weekly for Monday, May 24
Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form The Key As usual, the handy key to our Lunch deal categories. While all reports are always welcome, those that include a category will generally receive a higher listing when it comes time to put them all together. “nice deal” $1 – $49,000 “very nice deal” $50,000 – $99,000 “good deal” $100,000 – $250,000 “significant deal” $251,000 – $499,000 “major deal” $500,000 and up FICTION Debut Gabrielle Donnelly’s THE SECRET LIVES OF SISTERS, inspired by the story […]
BEA 2010 Party Planner
The party schedule reshapes itself a little as everyone switches gears to the first-ever midweek BEA. As usual, here is our overview of the known celebrants and events so far. Along with our usual disclaimer: This guide is to help survey the landscape of honorees and acknowledge some of the celebrations that companies have worked so hard to organize in concert with the convention. It’s not meant to be a crasher’s guide. (Hence the listing of times but not locations.) If you’re event is not listed, that means you didn’t let us know–send an e-mail and we’ll update as appropriate. […]