Our season overview from Buzz Books 2022: Fall/Winter concludes with nonfiction, part two, including social issues, history and crime, and business, science and technology. SOCIAL ISSUES Rachel Aviv, Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us (Farrar, Straus, 9/13)* Ben Bowlin, Matt Frederick, Noel Brown, Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know (Flatiron, 10/11) Douglas Brinkley, Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, and the Great Environmental Awakening (Harper, 11/15) Timothy A. Cavell, PhD, and Lauren B. Quetsch, PhD, Good Enough Parenting: A Six-Point Plan for a Stronger Relationship With Your Child (APA LifeTools, 9/23)* […]
Archives for May 2022
Plutarch Award
BURNING MAN: The Trials of D.H. Lawrence by Frances Wilson won the 2022 Plutarch Award from the Biographers International Organization.
Paradise Media Sells The Believer Back to McSweeney’s
The Believer Magazine will return to McSweeney’s, after being purchased by SEO company Paradise Media recently. According to the New York Times, Paradise Media agreed to sell it back to the publisher “at what McSweeney’s described as a ‘meaningful’ loss.” (Yes, this is a bit unclear. If Paradise took a loss, why are they not the source for this? Or is McSweeney’s saying their organization incurred a loss? We asked.) The Believer was shuttered this spring by the Black Mountain Institute at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and was sold to Paradise Media for $225,000. McSweeney’s reportedly bid to try […]
Buzz Books Fall/Winter Preview: Nonfiction Part 1
Last week we launched our Buzz Books 2022: Fall/Winter sampler, with excerpts from an array of great forthcoming literary and debut fiction. If you haven’t downloaded your copy yet, the “trade edition” is available now from NetGalley or Edelweiss, or find the consumer editions all linked at our main Buzz Books website. And on Wednesday we’ll convene our live Buzz Books Editors Panel with moderator Bobby Finger hosting six editors and their authors discussing some of the season’s potential breakout titles. Today our season preview from our Buzz Books 2022: Fall/Winter sampler continues with nonfiction. Because of the number of titles, we have divided the […]
Imprints: The Atlantic Magazine and Zando Launch Atlantic Editions
The Atlantic magazine and Zando are partnering to launch Atlantic Editions, a new imprint that will publish six to 12 nonfiction titles a year in trade paperback starting in January 2023. Each book will “will feature long-form journalism by Atlantic writers, each devoted to a single topic, and will draw from contemporary articles or classic storytelling from the magazine’s rich archive.” Inaugural titles include On Misdirection by Megan Garber; On Womanhood by Sophie Gilbert, and On BTS by Lenika Cruz. (Once upon a time the magazine published books as Atlantic Monthly Press. The press separated from the magazine in 1986, and […]
June Library Reads
Library Reads announced its list for June, with Sulari Gentill's The Woman in the Library as its top pick.