We’re always busy here at Lunch HQ building new features, stories and enhancements — though we’re often so focused on the work that we forget to share our progress with you. So today we’re taking a beat to review, and celebrate. Yesterday we sent out the second monthly issue of our new Authors Lunch newsletter, created especially for our growing population of author members. It combines relevant highlights and summaries from our daily reporting with a lot of original pieces focused on author questions and development, as well as getting the most from PM. (Two popular pieces in the latest […]
Archives for November 2022
People 11/17
Trial Takeaways: Author and Agent Compensation
Since the Penguin Random House antitrust trial hinged on author advances, witnesses explained publishing contracts, advances, royalties—and when the author sees that money. Agents also broke down how they’re paid. Author Compensation Hachette Book Group ceo Michael Pietsch explained that an author’s contract “includes a grant of rights of the ability to sell it in a particular territory, often North America, sometimes around the world, including translation rights,” plus a royalty to the author for every copy sold. There are also royalty rates for licensing or translating the book, or for excerpts being published in magazines (called “first serial” rights). […]
Trial Takeaways: Pre-empts and Auctions
In the Penguin Random house antitrust trial, agents testified about what happens after the submission process: receiving offers, sometimes in heated auctions for top dollar. Here, we’ve compiled their thoughts on pre-empts and auctions. Ayesha Pande at Ayesha Pande Literary said that her methodology to sell a book “depends on how many editors at different publishing houses have expressed interest. The preferred scenario is if there are several interested publishers so that I can move toward a competitive closing. If there’s just interest from one publisher, then I have to try and negotiate in good faith with that publisher.” Pre-empts […]
Bookselling: Zibby’s Bookshop
Zibby Owens will open a bookstore called Zibby’s Bookshop in Santa Monica, CA in 2023. The store will be 823-square-feet and focus on “showcasing highly curated titles in an innovative way, spotlighting authors, guiding readers, and fostering community.” Last year, Owens also launched imprint Zibby Books.
Washington Post Best Books of the Year
The Washington Post named its 10 Best Books of the Year, and 50 notables in fiction and nonfiction.