Archives for July 2023
Forthcoming: The Vulnerables By Sigrid Nunez
Riverhead Books will publish THE VULNERABLES, a new novel by National Book Award winner Sigrid Nunez on November 7. The publisher writes, “Set during the first ‘uncertain spring’ of the pandemic, a solitary female narrator asks what it means to be alive at this complex moment in history and considers how our present reality affects the way a person looks back on her past.”
Bookstat Posts Monthly Bestseller Lists
Bookstat, which imputes online book sales in real time, has started posting monthly ebook and digital audiobook bestseller lists on LinkedIn. While the service’s promotional materials tout their monitoring of self-published sales, the inaugural lists are dominated by titles from publishers. Two self-published authors make the ebook list: Catharina Maura (#13) and Emily Rath (#16).
New Books Publishing July 11
Ruth Madievsky, Debbie Macomber, and Tessa Hadley publish new fiction this week, while the eagerly anticipated BTS book also hits shelves. Also out this week are Wednesdays at One by Sandra A. Miller and Hope by Andrew Ridker, both available in our Buzz Books 2023: Spring/Summer collection. 26 works of fiction 7 works of nonfiction From Buzz Books We consult a number of sources in compiling our weekly lists and PM members can see our lists for the coming three months through this reference page. But if you want to […]
Dealmaking Rebounded In the Second Quarter
The year opened with a weak first quarter of dealmaking, following two record years, but the market appeared to have been held back by the strike at Harper Collins, along with later dates for the spring book fairs. Now, we can see with more clarity that deal reports rose modestly in the second quarter, up 2.7 percent overall. The main weakness was in children’s books, which has looked overbought for a while. Indeed, children’s sales fell 9.8 percent, back to their level from 2020. Adult fiction continued its strong run — matched by consumer sales — rising 7.1 percent in […]
Last Call for Tomorrow’s Buzz Romance Authors and Editors Panel
Register here to enjoy Meet Cute Romance Bookshop owner Becca Title as she hosts a lineup of authors talking about their historical, queer, rom-com and steamy romance titles in live chat with their editors: Wednesday, July 12 at 6 PM Eastern. It will be a fun look at some great new romance books on the way. Join us if you can!