Deal News Have a deal to report? Just e-mail to anytime, or use the form at Report a deal using the online form Chapter Three for Grann? Phyllis Grann will leave her job as vice chairman of Random House, “complaining of boredom with her job,” the NYTimes reports. “Ms. Grann is expected to move into an office in the private equity firm of Leeds, Weld & Company, which recently hired Jonathan Newcomb, former chief executive of Simon & Schuster; the firm sometimes invests in publishing. Ms. Grann declined to comment; a spokesman for Random House declined to comment.” […]
Lunch for Friday, June 28
King Says Pearson Wrote Ellen Rimbauer Stephen King told fans through his web site that the author of the bestselling DIARY OF ELLEN RIMBAUER (a tie-in to the mini-series production of Rose Red) was Ridley Pearson. In making the brief announcement, King recommends Pearson’s new novel THE ART OF DECEPTION. (Pearson is a friend of King’s, and Rock Bottom Remainders bandmate.) Hyperion president Bob Miller had sent Pearson the mini-series to script to see if it provoked any ideas for a tie-in. Miller tells PW, “Ridley read the script, and noticed that a diary was mentioned repeatedly, so he went […]
Lunch for Thursday, June 27
Big Auction, New Submission, and More In the latest deal news, there’s the winner in a four-day auction for a first novel, a praised writer moves to a bigger house for his second novel, a hot narrative non-fiction title just sold for big money in the UK and elsewhere now on submission here, a book about bragging, more in the wave of movie deals, and plenty more — and look for further reports live during the day. Plus, deals are searchable all the time (our database of transactions now has over 2,500 records, great for researching editors, agents, topics, and […]
Lunch for Wednesday, June 26
The Latest Deals A big first fiction sale, a small press sell rights to a rising novelist to a big house, lessons from top CEOs, surprising adventures in a Buddhist retreat, new film licenses, and more — and look for further reports live during the day. Plus, deals are searchable all the time (our database of transactions now has over 2,500 records, great for researching editors, agents, topics, and seasons), at Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Have a deal to report for Deal Lunch? Just e-mail to, or […]
Lunch for Tuesday, June 25
Lots More Deals Already we’ve got a dozen new deals up since Deal Lunch last night, including Diane Ackerman’s latest, benefit books from Colin Powell’s wife Alma, a motivational book from a Nike executive, debut fiction from an NEA fellow, an exploration of the new silent spring, and even a novel about an editorial assistant — and look for further reports live during the day. Plus, deals are searchable all the time (our database of transactions now has over 2,500 records, great for researching editors, agents, topics, and seasons), at Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly […]
Lunch for Monday, June 24
Happy Birthday Jacob! Subscribers Note The service we use to send out our e-mail will be down almost all day tomorrow due to an unanticipated equipment switch. It’s not clear whether or not tomorrow’s Lunch will get sent out before they take the system down — but we’ll bake one nonetheless, and post it at in any case. Thanks for your understanding. The Latest Deals Another busy week of deals ended with lots more news — another debut WWII novel in a strong pre-empt, a strong deal for a Booker winner, a defense of Islam for Western readers, a […]