KDPR senior production managers Quinn O’Neill, Lorraine Hyland, and Romeo Enriquez and senior designer Maggie Hinders have all taken the company's VSO package and will leave the publisher on November 1.
New Books Publishing October 3
Brandon Sanderson, Melissa Broder, and Lydia Davis publish new fiction this week, while new nonfiction includes a National Book Award Finalist by Viet Thanh Nguyen, plus Patrick Stewart’s memoir and Michael Lewis’s deep dive on Sam Bankman-Fried. In children’s books, Brandy Colbert, Elana K. Arnold, and Deb Caletti publish new YA novels this month. Also out this week are Jonathan Lethem’s Brooklyn Crime Novel, a Read with Jenna pick by Safiya Sinclair’s Read with Jenna pick How to Say Babylon, Brittany Means’ Hell If We Don’t Change Our Ways, and Ashley Winstead’s Midnight is the Darkest Hour, all available to sample […]
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Kathy Hourigan, vp & managing editor at Knopf Doubleday, will retire in December. Hourigan joined Knopf in 1963.
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Authors Respond to OpenAI’s Defense
Attorneys for authors Paul Tremblay, Sarah Silverman, Christopher Golden, and Richard Kadrey have filed a new brief in their lawsuit against OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, refuting the company’s initial defense. Last month OpenAI moved to dismiss the plaintiffs’ “ancillary” claims, hoping to focus on the core question of copyright infringement. In response, the plaintiffs ask the court to dismiss the motion, and “challenge OpenAI’s position that it should be allowed to train its generative AI products using anyone’s name and copyrighted literary works, without consent, for free, forever.” “In this case, the copyrighted works of a class of millions […]
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At Harper Collins, John Zappola has been promoted to svp, deputy cfo, overseeing all North American finance operations, including accounting, financial systems, control, payroll, credit, accounts payable, tax, and royalties. Christine Jones has been promoted to vp, royalty accounting, overseeing royalties for all North America. Mike Rohrs, vp, finance, US and International, will now oversee the US General Books Group and Children’s Books finance teams, in addition to the international finance team. Shannon Arnone has been promoted to manager, financial compliance. Colleen Slick has been promoted to manager, consolidations.