Barnes & Noble Education reported results for their big fiscal second quarter ending October 29, usually their biggest sales period following the opening of schools, with revenues of $617 million, down 1.6 percent from $627 million last year, and still well below pre-pandemic levels ($772 million in 2019 and $815 million in 2018). That’s well short of analysts’ expectations of $675 million in sales. Net income was $22 million, compared to $22.5 million in the same period in 2021, and follows one of their biggest losses ever in the first quarter, when the company was down ($52.7 million), and puts […]
Harper Collins Offers First Response to Union Strike
Harper Collins ceo Brian Murray has issued an open letter in response to the agents and authors who have contacted the company in support of the union. “While we don’t typically comment on negotiations, I feel we owe you a response and want to share some additional background,” he writes. The letter frames the current conflict as with the United Auto Workers union rather than the workers themselves, and notes that the company aims to support all employees, “regardless of their position or union affiliation.” Murray writes that during contract negotiations the company offered “a fair and reasonable pay structure, […]
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FT Business Book of the Year Award
Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology by Chris Miller won The Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award.
GMA December Pick
The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton is the GMA Book Club pick for December (and is featured in our Buzz Books 2022: Fall/Winter anthology).
New Books Publishing December 6
This week’s fiction releases include novels by Sam Lipsyte, Cormac McCarthy, S. A. Cosby, and Jane Smiley, while nonfiction includes new work by Jessica Grose and Evette Dionne and the letters of John Le Carré. In YA, new books by Maureen Johnson and Adiba Jaigirdar are out this month. Plus, our own 1,994-page case-bound keepsake edition of THE TRIAL: The DOJ’s Suit to Block Penguin Random House’s Acquisition of Simon & Schuster is now available from as well. Also out this week is Good Enough Parenting by Timothy A. Cavell and Lauren B. Quetsch, excerpted in our Buzz Books 2022: […]