Join online at this Publishers Marketplace link Wednesday, April 20th at noon Eastern for your chance to get the inside scoop on publishing from publishing educator, writing coach, novelist, and author of a forthcoming memoir, The Year of the Horses. The latest guest on our Discuss forum, Courtney wrote the bible for authors: Before and After the Book Deal: A Writer’s Guide to Finishing, Publishing, Promoting, and Surviving Your First Book. So no matter where you are in your book journey, you can just sign in and use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Courtney will […]
Don’t Miss Today’s Discuss Guest: Brian Perrin, former VP Marketing, HarperCollins
Join Discuss online at this Publishers Marketplace link at noon Eastern today and learn all about NFTs. To participate in Discuss, just sign in and use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Brian will post back. And if you’ve missed previous Discuss AMAs, be sure to check out this goldmine of inside publishing expertise by looking at the list of all our guests here. Their discussions remain on the platform indefinitely for you to explore.
Sign in to Wednesday’s Discuss session to find out how NFTs can help authors (and what NFTs are)
Join Discuss online at this Publishers Marketplace link Wednesday, April 6 at noon Eastern when former VP of marketing at HarperCollins, Brian Perrin, will answer questions such as: What’s an NFT? What’s all the fuss? Are NFTs just another bubble? What’s the future of NFTs? What are the opportunities for authors? (And what are the risks?) Can other authors do what Gary Vaynerchuk did? (Buy 12 Books, Get an NFT: How One Author Got Orders for a Million Books – WSJ) What are some successful author initiatives with NFTs to date? How can NFTs establish direct, re-marketable connections between authors and […]
All About NFTs: Brian Ferrin, former HarperCollins VP, on Discuss
Join Discuss online at this Publishers Marketplace link Wednesday, April 6 at noon Eastern when former VP of marketing at HarperCollins will answer questions such as: What’s an NFT? What’s all the fuss? Are NFTs just another bubble? What’s the future of NFTs? What are the opportunities for authors? (And what are the risks?) Can other authors do what Gary Vaynerchuk did? (Buy 12 Books, Get an NFT: How One Author Got Orders for a Million Books – WSJ) What are some successful author initiatives with NFTs to date? How can NFTs establish direct, re-marketable connections between authors and readers? To […]
Don’t Miss Today’s Discuss Guest: Literary Agent and Author Kristin van Ogtrop
Join Discuss online at this Publishers Marketplace link at noon Eastern today. To participate in Discuss, just sign in and use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Kristin will post back. And if you’ve missed previous Discuss AMAs, be sure to check out this goldmine of inside publishing expertise by looking at the list of all our guests here. Their discussions remain on the platform indefinitely for you to explore.
Join Literary Agent/Author Kristin van Ogtrop on Wednesday’s Discuss
Author and literary agent Kristin van Ogtrop will do a guest AMA online at this Publishers Marketplace link Wednesday, March 23 at noon Eastern. Kristin joined InkWell Management in 2018 after a decade as an InkWell client. To participate in Discuss, just sign in and use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Kristin will post back.