The Booker Shortlist was announced, including three Americans — Patricia Lockwood, Richard Powers and Maggie Shipstead. The one certainty for now is that Penguin Random House publishes the Booker winner. Between the US and the UK, Penguin Random House publishes each of the nominated titles in at least one territory (and four of the six titles in each territory). The other certainty is that none of the other five major trade houses has a title in contention.
Richard Powers’ novel publishes next week, and Knopf currently has publication of The Fortune Men scheduled for March 1, 2022. When the book made the longlist, Knopf told us they were “readying the book from a production standpoint for a possible earlier date should there be further good news.” Today they added, “We are assessing in light of this wonderful news.”
It is the third nomination for Damon Galgut and the second for Richard Powers. The winner will be named November 3. Shop the candidates now while they are still in stock.