Little, Brown announced a number of promotions across several departments. In editorial, John Parsley has been promoted to vp, executive editor, while Wes Miller moves up to editor, Mulholland Books. Victoria Matsui has been promoted to associate editor, while Frederica Bepler moves up to associate editor, paperback manager, and Malin von Euler-Hogan has been promoted to assistant editor. In marketing and publicity, Heather Fain has been promoted to vp, deputy publisher and marketing director, a new title “that acknowledges and reflects the crucial role Heather plays in all aspects of our publishing process.” Reporting to Fain is Pam Brown, newly […]
Agency News
People, Awards, Etc.
Julia Kardon joins Mary Evans as a foreign rights director and agent. Previously she was an agent at Sterling Lord Literistic. At Hachette Book Group, Sophie Cottrell has been promoted to svp, corporate communications. Amanda Englander has joined Clarkson Potter and Potter Style as associate editor. Previously she was an editorial assistant at Grand Central. At Chronicle Books, Ben Laramie has been promoted to senior industrial designer; April Whitney moves up to senior publicist, Entertainment; and Lisa Tauber has been promoted to associate editor. Bloomsbury UK’s director of trade marketing and publicity Katie Bond has “taken voluntary redundancy and [is] […]
People: Rebecca Smart to Lead Ebury, and More
CEO of Osprey Group Rebecca Smart will move to Penguin Random House UK at a date to be determined to take over as managing director of Ebury. Longtime Ebury leader Fiona MacIntrye is retiring after nearly 30 years with the unit. PRH UK ceo Tom Weldon says that MacIntyre had postponed her retirement until after the Penguin Random House merger was completed: “I confess I was stunned when Fiona told me last year that she had decided to retire and I am deeply grateful that she agreed to stay on for 12 months, so she could support me and her […]
People, Etc.
Michael Carley will retire from Simon & Schuster on April 22 after more than 34 years with the company. He started at S&S in 1980 as a field sales manager covering the Pacific Northwest, and added Amazon to his coverage in 1997, the first at S&S to do so. Carley was also the first S&S rep to sell directly to Costco. In a statement, evp, sales & marketing Michael Selleck said that Carley “has always been a passionate reader and his enthusiasm and dedication have been integral to the success of countless books. Michael has been a joy to work […]
People, Etc.
Editor-in-chief of Ace and Roc Books Ginjer Buchanan announced that she will retire in March 2014, exactly 30 years after she was hired by the Berkley Publishing Group, now a division of Penguin Random House. Berkley president and publisher Leslie Gelbman notes: “During her thirty years with Ace and Roc, Ginjer was essential in growing our science fiction and fantasy list and launching the careers of several bestselling authors. Her love for the genre and books in general and dedication to her authors is unparalleled, and she’s a key reason Ace/Roc is one of the preeminent science fiction-fantasy publishers.” Cara Bedick has joined […]
Catherine Luttinger has rejoined Darhansoff & Verrill as an agent focusing primarily on science fiction and fantasy (all sub-genres). She is also interested in representing historical fiction, thrillers, horror, scientific non-fiction, and YA. At Counterpoint, Megan Fishmann has been promoted to publicity director. Christian Waters has been named director of marketing and new business development at Osprey Publishing. Caitlin Kirkpatrick has been promoted to assistant editor at Chronicle. Patsy Jones will join Hachette Nashville on February 24 as vp, marketing. Previously she served as vp, sales & marketing at Anderson Merchandisers. Amy L. Hayden has joined Seven Stories Press as […]