After under 3 years in the post, Follett ceo Mary Lee Schneider is departing, to be replaced by Ray Griffith. He spent 20 years at Ace Hardware, where he was president and ceo until April 2013. The company said, “The son of a public school teacher and grade school principal who began his career managing a local retail store, Ray has the right experience and strategic vision to drive Follett to continued success.” In the announcement, Schneider comments: “I have been proud to be a part of the Follett story for the past 14 years, first as a member of the board […]
Six Writers Drop Out As PEN Gala Hosts, Objecting to Charlie Hebdo Award
When PEN American Center hosts its annual gala on May 5, six of its planned author hosts will not be in attendance. On Friday, novelists Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi alerted the organization of their withdrawal from the gala over the decision to award its Freedom of Expression Courage award to the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which saw 12 staffers killed in the January 7 attack on its offices. Prose told the AP she was “quite upset” at the Hebdo honor, adding: “I couldn’t imagine being in the audience when they […]
LAT Book Prize Winners Include Hustvedt, Luiselli, Rankine, & Hobbs
The Los Angeles Times Book Prize announced the winners in ten categories on Saturday night. They include: Fiction Siri Hustvedt, The Blazing World (Simon & Schuster) The Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction Valeria Luiselli, Faces in the Crowd (Coffee House Press) Current Interest Jeff Hobbs, The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace (Scribner) Poetry Claudia Rankine, Citizen (Graywolf) Other winners include Adam Tooze (History); Elizabeth Kolbert (Science & Technology); Tom Bouman (Mystery/Thriller); Candice Fleming (Young Adult); Andrew Roberts (Biography); and Jaime Hernandez (Graphic Novel). As previously announced, T.C. Boyle won the Robert Kirsch Award and Levar Burton was […]
KU for March: New High for the Pool But Almost A New Low Per Book
Earlier this week Amazon made their monthly announcement of how much money they would retroactively chose to share with self-published authors whose work was read via the Kindle Unlimited subscription program. The total pool allocated for March reached a new high, of $9.3 million. Borrows were robust as well, at approximately 6.956 million — which left authors with a payment of $1.337 per read. That’s the second-lowest payment per read since the initiative launched, just above the $1.33 per read paid for October 2014.
Slaughter Moves to Harper In Global Deal, As Harper Adds Four More International Lines
HarperCollins officially announced from London on Tuesday morning a multi-territory four-book deal with bestselling author Karin Slaughter. The relationship begins with PRETTY GIRLS, now set for US publication in September, which Harper will publish in all countries in which it operates on their newly-expanded international platform — except for the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Holland. “Subsequent books” in the deal “will include additional territories,” the announcement notes, meaning Harper will publish in the UK as well later in the multi-book deal. (The Bookseller says Harper will start with book three in the UK.) Until very recently PRETTY GIRLS was listed for July publication […]
People, Etc.: Restivo-Alessi Adds International Duties at HC; Ivan Doig Dies; and More
At HarperCollins, chief digital officer Chantal Restivo-Alessi is taking on the additional responsibilities of evp, International, overseeing the growing foreign language program built on top of some of infrastructure acquired as part of Harlequin. CEO Brian Murray writes: “In this new role, Chantal will oversee the HarperCollins foreign language program to ensure we’re hitting all the targets necessary for growth and develop new processes and procedures so we can achieve the ambitious plans laid out for our foreign language publishing program while setting up structures that support our authors in new ways.” She will work in partnership with Harlequin chief operating officer International Steve Miles, who […]