George Saunders has won the first Folio Prize for TENTH OF DECEMBER, just a week after winning the Story Prize. (The collection also garnering a National Book Award nomination last fall.) Folio Prize chair Lavinia Greenlaw said in the announcement: “Saunders’s stories are both artful and profound. Darkly playful, they take us to the edge of some of the most difficult questions of our time and force us to consider what lies behind and beyond them. Unflinching, delightful, adventurous, compassionate, he is a true original whose work is absolutely of the moment.” In other awards news, the American Academy of […]
People, Awards, Etc.
Julia Kardon joins Mary Evans as a foreign rights director and agent. Previously she was an agent at Sterling Lord Literistic. At Hachette Book Group, Sophie Cottrell has been promoted to svp, corporate communications. Amanda Englander has joined Clarkson Potter and Potter Style as associate editor. Previously she was an editorial assistant at Grand Central. At Chronicle Books, Ben Laramie has been promoted to senior industrial designer; April Whitney moves up to senior publicist, Entertainment; and Lisa Tauber has been promoted to associate editor. Bloomsbury UK’s director of trade marketing and publicity Katie Bond has “taken voluntary redundancy and [is] […]
Controversies: Doniger Op-Ed, Gaiman “Disappointed” In Hugo Award Twitter Attack; Rice and Others on “Bullying” Anonymous Reviews
A number of controversies remain in the news: Author of THE HINDUS Wendy Doniger writes in an NYT op-ed about the circumstances around the withdrawal of her book in India, saying that “I was in high spirits.’ She explains: “The dormant liberal conscience of India was awakened by the stunning blow to freedom of speech that had been dealt by my publisher in giving in to the demands of the claimants, agreeing to take the book out of circulation and pulp all remaining copies.” Doniger points out: “If Mr. Batra’s intention was to keep people from reading the book, it certainly […]
PEN/Faulkner Finalists
The finalists for this year’s PEN/Faulkner Awards were announced in Washington this morning: Daniel Alarcon, AT NIGHT WE WALK IN CIRCLES (Riverhead) Percival Everett, PERCIVAL EVERETT BY VIRGIL RUSSELL (Graywolf) Karen Joy Fowler, WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY BESIDE OURSELVES (Putnam) Joan Silber, FOOLS (Norton) Valerie Trueblood, SEARCH PARTY: Stories of Rescue (Counterpoint) The winner will be announced in early April and honored at a ceremony at the Folger Library on May 10.
Another Doniger Book, ON HINDUISM, Also Pulled in India
Weeks after Wendy Doniger’s 2009 book THE HINDUS was withdrawn from sale in India after Penguin India settled a lawsuit with the group Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti alleging the book’s contents were “derogatory and offensive to Hinduism,” another book by Doniger has been pulled from bookstores after the same group complained it was “malicious and offending.” The Times of India reports bookshops across Bangalore received calls from representatives of Aleph Book Company seeking return of all copies of Doniger’s ON HINDUISM. Aleph confirmed they were recalling copies of the book, published in 2013: “We don’t want to get involved in any […]
People: NYT’s Julie Bosman Leaves Publishing Beat As Paper’s Midwest Correspondent, and More
After four years of covering publishing at the New York Times, Julie Bosman is rotating to her “dream job” of working as a Midwest correspondent for the paper in April, based in their Chicago office. (Bosman grew up in Wisconsin.) The memo from national editor Alison Mitchell and deputy national editor Ethan Bronner, reproduced by Capital New York, does not indicate who will take over the publishing beat. In other personnel news, Readerlink svp, marketing and inventory Tara Catogge is moving to Quarto Publishing Group USA as vp, sales director, Publishing Trends reports. Shimul Tolia has been named president of Bonnier […]