Alysia Shewchuk has been promoted to senior designer at House of Anansi Press. Caroline Hayes has left Barnes & Noble, where she was most recently manager, cataloging and metadata. She may be reached at Sarah Crichton will leave her position as publisher of Sarah Crichton Books at FSG at the end of this year. She established the imprint there in 2004. Correcting last week’s item, executive editor Carole DeSanti “has decided to depart from Viking,” but is not retiring. Former editor turned author George Hodgman paid tribute to DeSanti in this Facebook post, joined by many others in publishing. For […]
Briefs: Tokarczuk Wins The Booker International, and More
Awards Flights by Olga Tokarczuk, translated by Jennifer Croft, won the Booker International Prize. (Riverhead is scheduled to publish in the US on August 24.) Initiatives Hachette Book Group has launched an online community for mystery and thriller fans, Novel Suspects. “The centerpiece will be the very best books in the genre–from HBG as well as all other publishers,” and promising to “fully integrate other publishers’ titles into the fabric of the site.” SVP marketing strategy Heather Fain calls it “a truly comprehensive catalog of all the books and authors [fans] love paired with fun and lighthearted short-form articles, listicles, videos and […]
People, Etc.: Roth Dies at 85
Philip Roth, 85, died Tuesday night in a New York hospital of congestive heart failure. The NYT calls him “the prolific, protean, and often blackly comic novelist who was a pre-eminent figure in 20th-century literature…. Mr. Roth was the last of the great white males: the triumvirate of writers — Saul Bellow and John Updike were the others — who towered over American letters in the second half of the 20th century. Outliving both and borne aloft by an extraordinary second wind, Mr. Roth wrote more novels than either of them.” Hillel Italie at the AP refers to Roth as […]
People, Etc.
Liz Stein has moved over to the William Morrow group as senior editor. Previously she was with Park Row Books. Rachel Crawford joins Naval Institute Press as production editor. She was most recently production editor/coordinator for Springer Nature. Awards The SFWA announced the Nebula Award winners over the weekend, with NK Jemisin‘s The Stone Sky awarded Best Novel and Sam J. Miller‘s The Art of Starving winning in the YA category.
People, Etc.
Penguin Random House Australia conducted “a review of our structure ” and found they “no longer require the role of publishing director-Penguin Random House Literary” (comprising Hamish Hamilton, Vintage, Knopf, Viking and Penguin). As a result, Penguin veteran Ben Ball has left the company. The team for the Literary division (created last year) will now report to group publishing director Nikki Christer. Fairfax Media reports that “the immediate departure of Ball has created shockwaves in the Australian literary community, with authors, colleagues, booksellers and agents left in disbelief.” Four-time Miles Franklin Award winner Tim Winton said he was “deeply wounded by […]
People, Etc.
Samantha Fabien has joined Laura Dail Literary Agency as international rights manager. Former associate publishing manager at Viking Children’s Leila Sales has relocated to Austin, TX, where she will continue to edit select projects on Viking’s list, along with working on other editorial and writing projects. Awards The British Book Awards were presented on Monday, honoring both the trade and authors, with Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine named both debut of the year and book of the year. Launching Otto Penzler has started a new company, Penzler Publishers, now announcing its first imprint, American Mystery Classics. The line will focus […]