Founding ceo of Paulo Lemgruber is leaving to “pursue other opportunities,” as the high-profile book-focused site is late in launching. Carolyn Marks is taking over as chief executive. In January she was named general manager of parents and lifestyle digital at Meredith, and she was general manager at The Daily Beast. In other personnel news, Stephanie Swane has been promoted to senior sales manager at becker&mayer! Books, driving the sales strategy for both the juvenile and adult packaging groups. She will focus on selling book proposals to US trade publishers and retailers, while developing new ideas for titles and […]
People, Etc.
Lauren Weber has been named agency assistant at Pippin Properties following her summer internship at the company. Amber Hoover has been promoted to associate director of international scouting at Franklin & Siegal Associates. She joined the company in 2005. Darren Turpin will join Angry Robot as marketing and digital manager on November 7. She is currently an online marketing manager for Little, Brown UK. Alexandra Wilder joins the Strand Book Store in New York as events director on October 3. Previously she was the managing director of the 92Y Unterberg Poetry Center. The winners of the 2011 Dayton Literary Peace […]
People, Etc.:
At this morning’s BISG annual meeting, the organization confirmed that vice chair Ken Michaels is now serving as co-chair of the organization’s board, alongside Dominique Raccah, who will step down from her position in a year. (Raccah took over as sole chair of the board last November when co-chair Andrew Weber left Random House.) Little, Brown, John Parsley has been promoted to executive editor. He joined the company in the fall of 2007. David Moldawer has joined Amazon Publishing as senior editor for the New York-based trade group, run by Larry Kirshbaum. Previously he was a senior editor at McGraw-Hill. At […]
Sourcebooks Establishes New Education Division, and More
Fast-growing Sourcebooks is launching a new education division that will incorporate and extend existing publications and programs for college students and the college-bound with a number of new initiatives. Initial staffing for the division will include six new positions in sales, marketing and information systems, continuing to draw on existing staff in editorial and publicity. The first new hires are: Technical architect Deb Kimminau, responsible for leading the design and development of new digital initiatives, which include MyMaxScore; programmer analyst Kavita Khanna, responsible for updating and implementing new technical requirements for the MyMaxScore adaptive learning software; and education sales manager […]
People, Etc.
Karen Kosztolnyik will join Gallery Books as executive editor on September 19, reporting to Jen Bergstrom. She has been at Grand Central for the past 10 years. Lauren Wein will join Houghton Mifflin Harcourt as senior editor, in their New York office, starting October 3. She has been at Grove/Atlantic. Pamela Cannon has been promoted to executive editor, a full-time position, at Ballantine Bantam Dell (where she has been an editor-at-large). Shannon O’Connor has joined the American Booksellers Association as manager of the ABC Children’s Group. Previously she has worked as children’s book buyer at the Doylestown Bookshop. Starbucks and iTunes recently relaunched […]
People, Etc.
Ami Greko from Kobo, Liz Scheier from Barnes & Noble, and Christina Biamonte Faubert from Sony eBooks, will join the advisory board of the Publishing Innovation Awards–the expanded program of honors presented at Digital Book World. This year the initiative is also adding the QED Seal, “a reader-focused standard for ebook quality.” Kobo, BN and Sony have all joined the program as “supporting partners” as well. Further to yesterday’s news of Richard Nash‘s new job at start-up Small Demons, he notes on blog that his venture is becoming “a fully volunteer-operated enterprise.” He tells us it will “continue as […]