At Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Alex Littlefield has been promoted to executive editor, and Sarah Kwak has been promoted to editor. Robert Davis has been promoted to editor at Tom Doherty Associates. Jessica Yao will join Norton as editor on April 5, acquiring and editing books for the company’s science list. She was previously at Princeton University Press. Andrea Heinecke has joined The Bindery as agent, bringing her list from her previous position at Alive Literary. Awards Rachel Maddow won the Best Spoken Word Album Grammy for her narration of her audiobook, Blowout. Barnes & Noble announced the inaugural shortlist for its […]
People, Etc.
Paul Samuelson will join Scribner as a deputy director of publicity on March 22. He was most recently director of publicity for Twelve Books. Emily Fisher has joined William Morrow as senior publicist. She was previously publicist at Bloomsbury. Rayshma Arjune has been promoted to publicity manager, special interest and Osprey at Bloomsbury At Flatiron, Louis Grilli has been promoted assistant manager, publishing operations; Sydney Jeon to assistant editor; Christopher Smith to senior publicity manager; Claire McLaughlin to senior publicist; Erin Gordon to assistant art director, marketing; Katherine Turro to assistant director, marketing; and Keith Hayes to vp, creative director. Terrence […]
People, Etc.
Jennifer Kasius has joined the ghostwriting and publishing services firm Kevin Anderson & Associates as executive editor. She was previously editorial director at Running Press. Melinda Kennedy has joined The Experiment as senior publicist. She was previously marketing manager at University of Chicago Press. At Penguin Canada, Deborah Sun de la Cruz has been promoted to editor, and Laura Dosky has been promoted to associate editor. Honors The American Academy of Arts and Letters added 33 new members as part of a diversity and inclusion effort, including writers: Hilton Als, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Joy Harjo, Barbara Kingsolver, Elizabeth Kolbert, Sigrid Nunez, […]
People, Etc.
Callie Garnett has been promoted to senior editor at Bloomsbury. At First Second, Molly Johanson has been promoted to designer, and Sunny Lee has been promoted to senior designer. Fellowships Zibby Owens, host of the Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books podcast, has launched a fellowship for debut women memoir writers to complete their first, book-length manuscript. The Moms Don’t Have Time To Fellowship is a 12-month program, pairing 2-4 authors a year with editor mentors “to encourage a diversity of perspectives, and to give new writers outside the literary establishment the tools, skills, and knowledge they’ll need to […]
People, Etc.
Sally Howe and Sarah Goldberg have been promoted to editor at Scribner. Rebekah Jett has been promoted to assistant editor, while continuing her role as associate publishing manager. Mensah Demary has been promoted to editor-in-chief for Soft Skull. Ada Zhang will join Running Press as an associate editor on March 8. Zhang was previously at Sterling Children’s. David Nenke has been appointed president of digital student solutions at Barnes & Noble Education. Previously, he was general manager of Amazon Explore. Molly Waxman has been promoted to executive director of marketing, fiction at Sourcebooks. Stephen Bedford has been promoted to senior marketing director […]
March Picks
Today show host Jenna Bush Hager’s Read With Jenna March pick is What’s Mine and Yours by Naima Coster. The Costco Pennie’s Pick for March is Whistling Past the Graveyard, by Susan Crandall. The PBS NewsHour-New York Times Now Read This book club chose Jessica Bruder‘s Nomadland for both March and April. Amazon‘s Spotlight pick is also Coster‘s What’s Mine and Yours. Their Featured Debut is Sarah Penner‘s The Lost Apothecary, which is excerpted and available for download now in our Buzz Books 2021 Spring/Summer sampler, along with another of Amazon’s March pick’s Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Committed. Also on the list: […]