Madeleine Thien, author of 2016 Giller Prize winning Do Not Say We Have Nothing, has asked the prize to remove her name, image, and work, from their website in protest to their ongoing sponsorship by Scotiabank. According to a letter sent by Thien to Giller Foundation advisory council members Margaret Atwood and Daphna Rabinovitch, and intended for wider circulation among the board of directors and advisory council, Rabinovitch led Thien to believe that the prize planned to break from the bank. Thien and other past Giller winners then helped Rabinovitch raise money for the 2024 prize winners and shortlist. “I […]
Amazon Names Its Best Books of the Year
Harvey’s ‘Orbital’ Wins The Booker
Paul Coates’s NBF Literarian Award Is Questioned
This year’s National Book Foundation Literarian Award recipient Paul Coates has been accused of publishing “racist, antisemitic, and homophobic books and authors” in an “enthusiastic and uncritical” manner, in an article by Mark Oppenheimer in Arc Magazine. That article expands considerably on questions first raised in a piece in The Jewish Insider by Matthew Kassel, which focused on one book in particular. Additionally, Oppenheimer suggests the selection “was a surprising choice” because Coates previously served as a National Book Foundation board member. The Literarian Award is given for “outstanding service to the literary community.” Coates, who is the father of […]
Cundill History Prize
Barnes & Noble Book of the Year
In our reporting about Barnes & Noble's Book of the Year finalists last week, we omitted There's Always This Year by Hanif Abdurraqib. A winner will be named on November 15.