The Frankfurt Book Fair is a show of many openings. There is the official press conference on Tuesday morning — which really is press only, and required early applications and background checks for credentials this year with high security for the keynote address from author Salman Rushdie. On Tuesday afternoon there is the opening ceremony, welcoming the international guest of honor (this year it’s Indonesia). For agents and other rights sellers the work has already begun, at the pre-rights-center-of-habit in the Frankfurter Hof hotel. And tonight, there is the unofficial first big event at the annual Hachette Book Group party, with an […]
Book Fairs
Agent Linda Loewenthal is launching a new venture, The Loewenthal Company, effective October 12. Her new company is “dedicated to representing and offering authors personalized support and tools to develop their editorial visions, as well as their profiles and platforms.” She was an agent at the David Black Agency for 12 years, after 15 years as a publishing executive and editor. At Open Road, Philip Rappaport has been promoted to vice president, director of publishing partnerships. Former Oyster editorial director Kevin Nguyen confirmed on Twitter that he is now editorial director at Google Play Books. As planned since last December, Wiley chairman […]
In London, Everything Old Is New Again
In a year of transitions for three of the world’s major book fairs, the London Book Fair opened Tuesday in a return to its historical home at the Olympia Exhibition Center. You can go home again, but usually by the time you do, someone has redecorated, and today LBF veterans went through multiple stages of soothing the cognitive dissonance of the return to Olympia. While there is a vague familiarity to the scene, everything is very different as well, and many fairgoers spent much of the opening morning getting situated. First there was the transportation, since the special above-ground train […]
Fiction Deals Soft Heading Into London Book Fair
With the London Book Fair convening as of next Tuesday, it’s time for our regular analysis of dealmaking patterns in advance of the big international rights show. As usual, the last few days of results can have some effect on our final stats so we’ll be back on Monday with more definitive counts. (We’ve already posted 189 deals since Monday morning, with more to add to our site.) But the initial graphs surveying the five weeks leading up to LBF (starting March 7) show two clear trends. In domestic (US) deals, despite a significant surge in nonfiction reports, overall dealmaking […]
BEA’s Three Panels of Buzz Books
BEA has announced the fall books to be featured on the convention’s three Buzz Books panels in May. The adult panel is evenly divided between fiction and nonfiction. There’s one debut novel (from Stegner Fellow and Paris Review Plimpton Prize winner Ottessa Moshfegh); one adult debut (YA author Ruth Warburton, writing as Ruth Ware — for the debut title from Gallery’s Scout Press); and one novel that’s been buzzed since it was sold in fall 2013, from Garth Risk Hallberg, already promoted as a Winter Institute buzz book and now back for more: Adult City on Fire by Garth Risk Hallberg (Knopf) […]
ABA News: 54 New Stores In 2014, and Winter Institute Buzz Authors
In the lead up to next week’s tenth annual Winter Institute, the ABA noted that they tabulated 54 new member stores selling new books in 2014: 45 new bookstores, and 9 new branches or satellites of existing members (plus another 5 stores primarily selling used books). Perhaps more significantly, they also charted sales of 28 ABA member businesses to new owners. (The story includes a complete list of new stores and new owners.) At their dedicated WI mini-site the ABA lists all of the many authors who will appear at next week’s event, and we have already run our seasonal […]