We’re continuing to fill a few more great speakers for our January shows, with top executives Barbara Marcus at Penguin Random House Children’s and Jonathan Nowell at Nielsen joining the roster for Publishers Launch Kids on January 13, and a highly notable keynoter joining us on the main stage at Digital Book World on January 14 and January 15 whom we will be able to announce shortly. As we have mentioned before, the final “early pricing” option to what has become the trade’s biggest show on the future of publishing ends today. Use our link for Publishers Lunch readers for the […]
Book Fairs
People, Etc.
Founder and former ceo of Quercus Mark Smith will join Bonnier Publishing as ceo of fiction, for both adult and children’s books. His company Zaffre Publishing is being absorbed into the group, for “an undisclosed fee.” The Zaffre business will be expanded, focusing on women’s fiction, romance, historical fiction, crime, thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, horror and fiction in translation. Smith also joins the board of Bonnier’s new US line, Little Bee. At Doubleday, Robert Bloom has been promoted to editor, reporting to Jason Kaufman. He has been at Doubleday since 2007. The World Cookbook Fair will relocate itself to become part of the Frankfurt Book Fair in […]
The Biggest DBW Yet
My Publishers Launch Conferences partner Mike Shatzkin, who serves as program chair of the Digital Book World Conference, has his own long overview of the thinking behind the dozens of panels and keynotes scheduled for the January event. Everyone involved works hard to make the event better each year, and this line-up for our sixth annual conference — now back at the NY Hilton hotel — is truly our richest roster yet. Every year as the event gets close, people email me privately to ask for discounts, and I can tell you honestly the answer is always the same: The […]
People, Etc.
Suzanne Donahue will leave Simon & Schuster, where she is vp, associate publisher, on December 27. She had held that position for the past two years, and before then was associate publisher at Free Press from 1997 through 2012. S&S publisher Jonathan Karp said in a statement: “In the past two years, I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of working with Suzanne. She has been an excellent colleague and an enthusiastic champion of our books, as well as a source of wisdom on Free Press and Simon & Schuster backlist. Please join me in thanking Suzanne for her many contributions to Simon […]
DBW Conference Gets Closer
We’re filling in the last couple of session slots for January’s big Digital Book World Conference on January 14 and 15, and the newest entry on the schedule is a panel exploring “Can Amazon Be Constrained, and Should They Be?” Ken Auletta of the New Yorker will moderate the session, with guests Barry Lynn of the New America Foundation (preparing a letter to the DOJ arguing “yes”), Annie Lowrey of New York Magazine (who wrote “Amazon might be a bad actor in the books market, but that does not make it a monopoly”), and author Barry Eisler, who publishes with […]
Where the Kids Are Going
We have added more speakers to the roster for our fourth annual Launch Kids Conference on January 13 — which kicks off what will be our biggest Digital Book World Conference + Expo yet, already breaking pre-registration records. The biggest trade conference focused on the children’s and YA market — which is accounting for all the industry’s growth this year and then some — Launch Kids provides a number of views on building new revenue streams in new ways (since as we have seen, digital opportunities in children’s publishing are primarily additive to existing markets and channels). Across 15 sessions, […]