The BBC will have a crew on-site throughout next week’s biggest-ever Digital Book World for general coverage and as part of documentary they are shooting on Amazon — one of our main discussion themes. They are part of our largest international contingent ever. Even though most of the big last-minute registration wave comes from local visitors, we’re still getting enrollment from around the world (including Moscow, Melbourne and Torino just this morning). Like all the best trade events, DBW is about the people you see and meet as much as the over 100 expert speakers you’ll hear from. Two of […]
Book Fairs
Focused On Children’s Publishing: IP Development and Management; Gaming and Education; Moving to Mobile
Next Monday, January 13, at Publishers Launch Kids we’ll kick off Digital Book World week with hundreds of people in a ballroom speaking exclusively about the future of children’s publishing and the special ways in which digital change is touching this segment of book publishing. We’re featuring 30 leaders and innovators from across children’s publishing and beyond addressing branding and licensing; new perspectives on gaming and education; the move to mobile and social media; making discovery work for kids and parents; owning audiences and creating original IP; and developing the children’s book publisher of the future. (Penguin Random House UK […]
Looking Ahead
How will you move your business forward in 2014? Using new streams of data to inform strategic decisions; what to do about Amazon; managing your organization for change; how (or whether) to engage with new subscription services and a steady stream of start-ups; developing more targeted and sophisticated digital marketing and direct consumer insights; reckoning with the burgeoning market of self-published books; and taking cash out of your supply chain are among the many key issues people are wrestling. And those are some of the major themes that will be addressed in-depth next week at the fifth annual Digital Book World […]
Coming Up Soon In 2014
The way the holidays fall, the big fifth-annual Digital Book World happens in the second full work week of January, from the 13th through the 15th. It will be our biggest show yet in all respects — more attendees, more exhibitors, more tracks, more headliners, and more parallel events (including the return of our own one-day Launch Kids event focused on children’s publishing) than ever before. Avoid higher on-site pricing by registering now — and remember that Publishers Lunch readers always get the best discount available on individual conference and value-packed “total access pass” tickets, since we are a co-founder and co-presenter of DBW: […]
Final Day to Save on Cramer, O’Reilly, Stone, and More
Our colleagues at Digital Book World extended the deadline to take advantage of the last early-pricing for next January’s big conference until midnight tonight — but only if you use this special link. As a Publishers Lunch reader, it gets you both the early pricing across the board, plus our additional 10 percent discount on DBW individual and total access pass tickets. Rather than scrambling when you come back from vacation and prices have gone up, why not take advantage of this opportunity to put Digital Book World on your calendar for the week of January 13 right now. It’s […]
Headliners, CEOs, Start-Ups, Authors and More
Next month’s fifth annual Digital Book World, from January 13 – 15, features headliners from across the business and well beyond (Jim Cramer on the investment prospects for publishing; Brad Stone on everything Amazon; Emanuel Rosen on influencing customers; LeVar Burton hosting the Digital Book Awards; analyst Benedict Evans — plus Tim O’Reilly, Carolyn Reidy, John Ingram, Dominique Raccah and countless other publishing executives). It’s our biggest, broadest DBW yet, with more original data; more focused programming tracks (including children’s publishing; digital marketing; higher ed and academic; new technology; and new business models) covering a broader set of themes (Analyzing Amazon; Change Management; A Realistic […]