The hopes of getting to the London Book Fair if you aren’t already there are fading as flight cancellations have spread to Saturday, for many people the primary travel day to arrive prior to the opening of the three day book show. In a Saturday morning update, British airspace is officially closed at least until 1:00 PM Sunday (local time). Even prior to that announcement, on Friday the nation’s top carrier British Airways had already canceled all flights in and out of London for all of Saturday, as had their smaller competitor Virgin Atlantic. Ryanair, which connects London to much […]
Book Fairs
UK Further Extends Flight Delays, But Book Fair Is On Regardless
Disruption of the London Book Fair due to the spreading cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland has been upgraded to a “significant” deal as some international attendees hope for the best and others are giving up. The latest official word as of this morning from the UK’s Met Office (via the web site at NATS) is that the airspace over England and Wales remains closed until at least 7 AM Saturday, London time. As of 7 PM tonight, restrictions are being lifted over “a large part of Scottish airspace.” So people planning to fly Saturday night or Sunday still have […]
The London Book Fair Versus Icelandic Ash
In previous year’s the London Book Fair has faced down potential disruptions from phantom transit strikes to their own disastrous one-year relocation to the periphery of London. This year’s obstacle–important for anyone expecting to fly in to London–is volcanic ash spread from an eruption in Iceland. British air traffic authorities have banned all non-emergency flights until at least 2 AM Eastern time Friday (or 6 Greenwich Mean Time). Unfortunately the AP notes, “in a sobering comment, one scientist in Iceland said the ejection of volcanic ash — and therefore disruptions in air travel — could continue for days or even […]
Streisand at BEA
BookExpo America’s opening night keynote reception on May 25 will feature Barbra Streisand, interviewed about her November 2010 book, MY PASSION FOR DESIGN.
New BEA Program will Connect Authors to Readers Across NYC
BEA officially announced their plans for the “New York Book Week” concept that has been under formulation for some time, designed “to expand on the presence of BEA in New York by making even more authors available to the community” at “a wide range of author events at various literary venues.” The idea is to help connect many of the authors who come to New York for the convention to readers and fans as well as to members of the trade. Participating authors already include Lee Child, Jonathan Franzen, Ira Glass, Sara Gruen, David Means, Edmund Morris and Scott Turow. […]
BEA to Feature Grisham, Rice, Stewart and More
BookExpo America (BEA) has announced authors and speakers for this year’s convention. The Thursday breakfast packs John Grisham and Condoleeza Rice and Mary Roach along with emcee Jon Stewart (in conjunction with fall publication of The Daily Show Presents Earth (The Book): A Visitor’s Guide to the Human Race). Sara Gruen is among the Thursday luncheon authors for her delayed second novel Ape House, and Sarah Ferguson will be among the Wednesday children’s breakfast authors. Author featured authors include Cory Doctorow, William Gibson, Christopher Hitchens, Patton Oswalt, Richard Peck, and Mitali Perkins. BEA says they are adding a third on-the-floor […]