While people wait for the next shoe (or two), here are some additional observations on nouveau Agency. Feel free to send us your questions (or post them in the comments). Will Everything Go Faster? A process that could have taken over a month to recalibrate now looks like it could be mostly resolved by the end of this week or beginning of next, following Harper’s quick move to new contracts. That plus the imminent expiration of Apple contracts is both accelerating and potentially simplifying the renegotiation process. And as we have seen with Harper, even when retailers may not have […]
Harper Starts Selling Under New eBook Contracts, Often At Higher List Prices
At least some new pricing for ebooks started Monday, in advance of any indication from the courts whether an appeal might stay formal imposition of the settlement with the Department of Justice. As spokesperson Erin Crum told Publishers Lunch Monday afternoon, “HarperCollins has reached agreements with our e-retailers that are consistent with the final judgment.” One reason to initiate new contracts as soon as possible is to get the process over with; each publisher must wait two years after execution of new contracts, whenever that occurs, before being able to return to unimpeded agency. The results of those new agreements–including […]
Harper Starts Selling Discountable eBooks Under New Agreements–At Higher List Prices
At least some new pricing for ebooks is starting in advance of any indication from the court whether an appeal might stay formal imposition of the settlement with the Department of Justice. Spokesperson Erin Crum told Publishers Lunch Monday afternoon, “HarperCollins has reached agreements with our e-retailers that are consistent with the final judgment.” The results of those new agreements–including discounts on at least some ebooks–were reflected during the day on Harper ebooks, first noticed at Amazon and BooksOnBoard.com, which had emailed customers offering 24 percent off Harper ebooks this week as they “welcome[d] back discounts for HarperCollins ebook titles.” […]
Hurry Up, Wait, and What The…!? Life Under Agency Lite
With Judge Denise Cote approving the settlement between the Department of Justice and HBG, HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster more swiftly than most people expected, the industry moves into the what-happens-next phase. The answer, depending upon your view, is either just complicated, or a big fat mess. The biggest immediate pressure is the need for the Settlers to have new contracts in place with Apple in as little as week. And the biggest wildcard is what, if anything, happens with appeals. Here is our guide (which we reserve the right to modify at any time). The Legal Parts: Another Delay? […]
Ingram Will Distribute Kobo eReaders To ABA Member Stores
Now that the ABA is partnering with Kobo to supply ebooks to independent bookstores, the organization has announced that Ingram will serve as the exclusive distributor of Kobo devices to ABA member stores. For now, Ingram is authorized to wholesale devices only to ABA stores; the company says permitting them to wholesale to other accounts “will be a Kobo decision.” ABA member stores who order Kobo devices from Ingram will also take part in a special launch incentive timed for the holiday season that includes free displays and demo devices, an unspecified cash bonus for participating, rebates for sell-through, and […]
More from Amazon: Merging the Digital/Audio Reading Experience, Kindle Serials
Amazon’s new device launch on Wednesday garnered the most media attention, but the company also introduced some intriguing new features that merge or break apart reading experiences — while potentially raising rights-related questions. People have long speculated that it would be great to “sync” ebooks and digital audio recordings so you can go back and forth between reading and listening without losing your place, and Amazon has built that with what they call Whispersync for Voice. It offers what they call a “continuous reading experience” between digital and audio editions, in which a customer can start reading one edition and continue in […]