Macmillan and 21st Century Publishing House have joined forces on a new children’s publishing venture in China, Macmillan Century Consulting & Service Company Ltd. The new venture will acquire, develop, introduce and promote children’s titles sourced from Macmillan’s publishing companies and imprints around the world, and will be led by 21st Century Publishing president Zhang Qiulin and Macmillan managing director for Greater China Charlotte Liu. “We believe Macmillan Century is in a unique position at the outset, as it has the advantage of combining Macmillan’s carefully selected children’s classics and bestsellers with 21st Century’s strong distribution channels within the Chinese […]
Barnes & Noble Will Finally Launch Nook in the UK in Mid-October
After lengthy speculation and anticipation, and in advance of announcing its first quarter earnings Tuesday morning, Barnes & Noble said they will finally launch Nook in the UK in mid-October with an online storefront as well as partnerships with “leading UK retailers” that will be announced “shortly.” (Waterstones, of course, was long expected to be partnering with Nook, but in the end allied with Amazon instead.) Nook UK will first sell the company’s Simple Touch and Simple Touch with Glowlight devices, with the tablets available at an undisclosed point. The unnamed UK partners “are expected to support the Nook offering […]
Digital Book World Launches Aggregated eBook Bestseller List
Digital Book World has launched a weekly set of ebook bestseller lists that aggregates the previous full week’s sales ranking data from Amazon, Nook, Google, Kobo and Sony into an overall list of the top 25 selling books, as well as four additional top 10 lists organized by price tiers: free to $2.99, $3 to $7.99, $8 to $9.99, and $10 and up. The bestseller lists, which will appear every Monday, were developed for DBW by Iobyte Solutions and seek to address the lack of differentiation between inexpensive ebooks — either self-published or priced promotionally for a limited time — […]
eNews: Hunger Games Bestselling Series Ever At Amazon US: State Department Cancels Kindle Contract; and More
Amazon announced that THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy by Suzanne Collins is the US division’s bestselling series ever on all formats, though, as always, no sales figures were provided. (What the release doesn’t note is that those “sales” are likely spurred by Amazon’s decision to offer the Hunger Games to Prime members for free borrowing through the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library.) Earlier in the summer Amazon UK said the 50 SHADES OF GREY trilogy was its bestselling series to date. In other Amazon news, the State Department cancelled a controversial no-bid contract with Amazon pending since last June that would have […]
Little Brown UK At Odds with Authors Over Tor’s DRM-Free eBooks
The industry debate over whether or not to remove DRM from ebooks has moved from philosophical and strategic differences of opinion to a potential contract (and territorial) dispute that threatens to strand some authors in the middle. On opposing sides are Little Brown UK–a substantial sci-fi and fantasy publisher through the Orbit imprint–and Tor, which shares some authors with Orbit, and lifted DRM from their entire list of ebooks as of July. Little Brown UK ceo Ursula MacKenzie corresponded recently with at least some agents, reportedly to express concern about the impact of Tor’s new DRM-free policy on LBUK’s publishing […]
Briefs: Harper Will Convert DIESEL Books Into Temporary Record Store To Promote Chabon Novel; Nook Device Prices Drop; And More
As part of its extensive marketing campaign for Michael Chabon’s forthcoming novel TELEGRAPH AVENUE, Harper will convert the Oakland branch of California independent Diesel Books into Brokeland Records — which is the record store co-owned by the main characters in Chabon’s book — between September 7 and 14, the WSJ reports. The store, which will host the launch party for TELEGRAPH AVENUE on September 12, “will sell used jazz records provided by an independent record dealer named Berigan Taylor” and Harper is creating exterior Brokeland Records signage and merchandise. Barnes & Noble has dropped the price of its tablet devices, […]