Apple rejected Sony’s iOS Reader app back in January, and there’s still no sign of it now even though competitors have complied with Apple’s rules prohibiting buy buttons. CNET checked in with Sony reps who claimed they, too, complied with Apple’s rules, but reported the app was still being rejected. “We have no idea why,” the rep said. “It’s an ongoing saga. Stay tuned.” CNET Books-a-Million will also replace Borders in Concord, NC with a tentative opening date of August 25, one week after the chain opens a new store in Erie, PA. Release Changing Hands owner Gayle Shanks told […]
Briefs: Liberty Deal For BN Reportedly “Looks Shaky”; More on McGraw-Hill; Inkling Raises Another $17M; and More
Two-and-a-half months after Liberty Media’s initial offer to purchase Barnes & Noble for $17 a share (or just over $1 billion), the NY Post claims the deal now “looks shaky.” Or it may simply be a delay in the initial timetable, as “a deal failed to materialize last week, which was a preliminary target for a final deal since talks began in May, according to sources.” Drawing on a single, unnamed source, the paper says “at least one private-equity giant this week hired a consulting firm to take a fresh look at B&N’s books in case their deal falls apart.” […]
New York State Says Standard eBooks Are Exempt from Sales Tax
It’s a little technical, but Forbes calls attention to a recent advisory opinion from New York state’s department of taxation and finance that will be of great interest to agency-model publishers and ebook retailers. It is “the tax department’s current position” standard trade ebooks as we know them are exempt from New York state sales tax, and do not qualify as taxable “information services.” The opinion was provided in response to a query from California company that “stores a digitized catalog of electronic books available for sale to customers inside and outside New York through its on-line bookstore.” (But the […]
Facebook Buys Push Pop Press, Kills Their Product
Facebook acquired epublishing technology start-up Push Pop Press for undisclosed terms, but the appeal was clearly not their publishing platform that promised to provide “digital storytelling” tools that would enable anyone to turn text, images and multimedia into an enhanced book app with drag-and-drop ease. “There are no plans” for “building out” that platform or continuing to publish more titles like the Al Gore book-based app Our Choice that the company was created to build, Push Pop’s Mike Matas and Kimon Tsinteris write on their site. Instead they say “we’re taking our publishing technology and everything we’ve learned and are […]
eNews: The Knight Agency Launches Self-Publishing/Digital Publishing Initiative
On the heels of other recently announced self-publishing and digital publishing initiatives from Bookends, Dystel & Goderich and Anne McDermid Associates, The Knight Agency said on their blog that they will launch an “assisted self-publishing program” to help clients digitally publish backlist titles and select frontlist titles. They intend to charge their standard 15 percent commission for services including content editing, ISBN number assignment, cover design and consultation, and developing a marketing plan, and will “pay all upfront costs with the exception of copyediting.” The agency stresses on its blog that “we did not enter into this lightly, but felt […]
McDermid Agency Launches Separate Digital Publishing Consulting Service
Anne McDermid and Associates is launching dropCapLiterary, which will consult with authors to provide “advice and instruction on marketing, promoting and selling their work in the new digital age.” Run by technology host, journalist, and strategist Amber Mac and McDermid agent Chris Bucci, dropCapLiterary will operate independently of the literary agency, open to all authors, “regardless of representation,” charging fees for negotiated services. That menu of optional services includes: “building and enhancing an author’s online platform; developing an online marketing strategy tailored for each book; managing available ebook and enhanced ebook rights; determining marketing strategies for ebooks; and collaborating with […]