Amazon is apparently not going to resort to buy-button-backlash over the agency model in the UK, but they do still believe it’s a good strategy to get their customers riled. They write in a site note: “It is indeed correct that this group of publishers will require Amazon and other UK booksellers to accept an agency model for e-books. We believe they will raise prices on e-books for consumers almost across the board. For a number of reasons, we think this is a damaging approach for readers, authors, booksellers and publishers alike.” They disingenuously tell their UK customers “most publishers […]
Amazon to Feature Shorter “Kindle Singles”
Veterans of the ebook business may recall a modest (at best) initiative from 2005 called “Amazon Shorts,” selling “short-form literature from top authors” including Audrey Niffenegger, Stuart Woods, Robert Rhodes, Robin Cook, James Lee Burke, Danielle Steel, and Ann Beattie at 49 cents each. Amazon officially discontinued the program this June and reverted rights (with a suggestion to move that material to the Kindle platform). Today Amazon has announced what could be seen as that program’s successor, dropping the length/underwear metaphor for one from the music industry: Kindle Singles. “Singles” are described as pieces running between 10,000 words to 30,000 […]
Ingram’s Comprehensive “New Distribution Services Model” with Springer Includes Taking Over Printing
Following quickly on their partnership with Macmillan on “long tail” backlist, Ingram has announced a broader new initiative with Springer in which the wholesaler will take over Springer’s entire US supply chain. Ingram will manage warehousing and fulfillment for Springer and will transition manufacturing to a model that focuses on print-on-demand. Initially Ingram will hold all of Springer’s physical inventory in their warehouses; as that inventory sells down, Ingram will move replenishment from offset to print-on-demand “when it makes the most economic sense.” The program begins in the first quarter of 2011. Springer evp of customer service, fulfillment and logistics […]
eBriefs: McGraw-Hill’s Custom Course Content; China to Grow eBook Industry; and More
On Friday McGraw-Hill Education formally announced a new custom course-content publishing platform that lets professors create their own compilations of material that are available for sale to their students. Instructors can search across over 4,000 McGraw-Hill textbooks plus tens of thousands of articles, case studies and other materials. They can view either a “digital proof” or a mailed print review copy of their custom compilations. The final collections are sold to students as ebooks through the company’s ebookstore, and as printed books through campus bookstores. They started rolling out the program in April.Release China’s General Administration of Press and Publication […]
People, Etc.
Karen Thompson has been promoted to editor at the Simon & Schuster adult trade imprint, both acquiring her own list as well as looking to “maximize and revitalize parts of the backlist.” Erica Gelbard has been promoted to publicity manager at Grand Central. The UK Crime Writers Association gave its awards to Belinda Bauer‘s author BLACKLANDS for best crime novel; Simon Conway‘s A LOYAL SPY for best thriller, and Ryan David Jahn‘s ACTS OF VIOLENCE for a previously-unpublished author. Bauer is the only of three who is currently in print in the US. But like some of the Booker-shortlisted books, […]
E-News: Wylie Reaches Deal with French Publishers; Concerns Over E-Books As Territory Rights-Breakers; And More
Andrew Wylie has evidently resolved the digital rights dispute with French publishers, which led to an open letter sharply critical of the agent’s practices of keeping e-rights (without mentioning Wylie by name.) “The story is ancient history. It is all solved. We have spoken to the French publishers involved,” Wylie told The Bookseller. Flammarion chief executive Teresa Cremisi said: “Everything will be resolved. It was like a summer fever–amazing. But he has now abandoned his project and that is a good thing.” The Bookseller In other e-rights news, agent Andrew Nurnberg voiced his concern that some American publishers may try […]