Kobo has officially launched their UK ebookstore, the first of many planned international launches. The Hachette imprints are not included yet, though the Bookseller says that they will be once the company has completed their transition to selling ebooks on an agency model. For now Kobo is pricing new bestsellers at 8.99 pounds.Press release Colleges participating in the “pilot program” to test how students use Amazon’s SuperKindle have reported findings that should be of interest to anyone looking to this market as a key part of their ereading strategy. USA Today reports that “if one clear consensus emerged from the […]
Next It's Enhanced Textbooks, As Macmillan's "DynamicBooks" Platform Encourages Customization
Macmillan is launching DynamicBooks, a platform pitched as web 2.0 textbooks, that lets professors customize and annotate textbooks to “make the book fit your course.” Part of the pitch to students is that the etextbooks cost lest–and of course, since they are heavily customized, they have no real value on the resale market. They plan to sell 100 titles by August. The Chronicle of Higher Education says professors will receive a dollar a book for each customized copy bought that features material they added. “That could add up if a professor’s retooled book becomes popular and is assigned by professors […]
What's Next, and More Factoids
So what happens next in the Google case? Everyone waits for the judge, which could be weeks, or months. The outside boundary is likely the scheduling of his Senate confirmation hearing on his nomination to move up to the Court of Appeals. A couple more interesting statistics that were mentioned in the afternoon’s presentations. Michael Boni said that so far, “620,000 books that are out-of-print that we would call orphan works” have been claimed by 40,000 authors. While the effective monopoly over unclaimed works is an important issue in the case, Google may have defused that in part with this […]
Google Judge: "Both Sides Say the Answer Is Clear!"
Judge Denny Chin ended yesterday’s daylong hearing on the Google Books Settlement hearing the same way he started it, telling the audience, “I will reserve decision. There is a lot to think about.” Earlier in the afternoon the judge wryly uttered the line we quote in our headline, and it was the best and most concise summation of the day’s arguments. Alas this second account of the Google Olympics will be less whimsical than our first installment (you’ve been warned). For close watchers of the case, there’s little need or interest in rehashing the presentations of all those who spoke, […]
Judge Chin Regrets He's Unable to Rule Today
The long-awaited Google Books Settlement hearing is underway today in the New York courtroom of Judge Denny Chin as he tries to clear his docket before moving up to the Court of Appeals. For any who might have brought unrealistic hopes of an immediate answer, though, Judge Chin started the morning by telling the court, “I’m not going to rule today, there’s too much to digest.” He added, “I have an open mind.” But during the morning’s presentations, Chin’s questions made it clear that he is quite familiar with the stacks of briefs already filed. He repeated the same lament […]
A Google Tablet?, BN Powers a New T-Mobile Smartphone, and More
Credit Suisse is the latest analyst group to throw out some unsubstantiated guesses about the ebook market, eliciting coverage today. The news in the report is their contention that “Google is also reportedly working with HTC (maker of Google’s Nexus One phone) on a tablet device. While few details on this device are public, images of the Chrome OS on a new tablet device appeared on Google’s Chromium website, sparking the speculation that the Google tablet is closer to launch than most expect.” Statistically, their big forecast is that within five years Amazon’s ebook market share will decline as they […]