Mike Shatzkin offers a preview look at Ray Kurzweil‘s new electronic “reading technology,” to be presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in January and to be marketed by Baker & Taylor under the name Blio. The payoff, he says, is that it makes “enhancing” ebooks easier than ever (if you think that’s important. But it only works on devices with an operating systems–like computers and iPhones, but not Kindle. B&T tells him they have “180,000 titles already committed to Blio, at least 50,000 of which will be available at launch.” Nora Roberts is releasing a downloadable game based on her […]
Simon & Schuster's Full List of Delayed eReleases
Simon & Schuster has provided a list of the new hardcover releases for the first four months of 2010 that will not be published in ebook form until four months after initial print publication. They write: “We believe this publishing sequence will benefit the performance of all the different formats in which these titles are published, and in the long term will contribute to a healthier retail environment for the greater book buying public.” JanuaryYOU: ON A DIET REVISED EDITION by Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D. (Free Press) STAR by Peter Biskind (S&S) THE HIGH SCHOOL […]
eNews: BN Stores Will Show Not Sell Nook; Kindle Outlines Improvements for Vision-Impaired; Amazon and Atlantic Kindle Stories; and more
Barnes & Noble has just enough Nook inventory to display units in high-traffic stores, but will give all the inventory to those who pre-ordered online: Mary Ellen Keating tells the WSJ, “Based on the high volume of preorders and our commitment to fulfilling those preorders, we’ve decided to hold off on providing inventory to the stores until after the holidays.” Reviews are starting to appear now that some units have landed. Here’s a long enthusiastic one, though the excitement is more over what the nook should turn into soon (with apps for the LCD screen, etc.) It “is not as […]
Once Again, Google Books Judge Denies Motion–This Time from Amazon
As predicted, Amazon’s effort to have the amended settlement thrown out was denied by Judge Denny Chin. He assures in his ruling that “the many nuances of the amended settlement agreement will be considered after the fairness hearing is held on February 18.” And Amazon is welcome to “set forth its arguments in its objections” as part of that process. He also throws them a small bone, saying that if they need to “refer to their prior objections now to present ‘cohesive and accurate’ filings” though may so do without incurring his wrath. (Earlier, he said that new objections could […]
Court Denies Request for Injunction Blocking Release of BN's Nook
A California judge acknowledged that “there is a genuine dispute over whether the nook was derived from information disclosed by” Spring Design to Barnes & Noble “or was the product of earlier independent development” by BN but denied Spring Design’s request for a preliminary injunction blocking release of the ereader. The judge did agree to expedited pre-trial procedures to move the process along.Ruling at Engadget
eNews: DailyLit Goes Free; Forrester's 2010 Predictions
Having concluded that their readers “most appreciate the wonderful books, stories and installments available for free,” DailyLit.com announced that all of the service’s books and stories will be provided at no cost to the reader. Their model will be driven by sponsors–currently comprising publishers as well as author Diane Von Furstenberg, who is “giving the gift of her favorite book, free through January.”Blog post Though I’m not always the biggest fan of numerical guesswork from the likes of Forrester Research, this list of ten predictions for the ereader and ebook market for 2010 has plenty of good sense in it. […]