Longtime publishing director of Bloomsbury Children’s in the UK Sarah Odedina will become managing director of “an entirely new children’s publishing company” in London as part of Bonnier Publishing. The line will launch in late 2011 or early 2012, focusing on children’s fiction across all age brackets. CEO of Bonnier Publishing Richard Johnson says in the announcement, “Bonnier is committed to grow in the English language and lead the way in quality children’s publishing and we could have wished for no one better than Sarah, one of the UK’s leading children’s publishers, to head this new initiative.” Odedina adds, “I […]
International News
International News: PA and IPG Want to Block Amazon/Book Depository Merger; Competition Commission on the Pearson/REDGroup Case; and More
As expected, the UK Publishers Association and Independent Publishers Guild are asking the government to block Amazon’s purchase of The Book Depository, calling for a wider public investigation into the competition between the online and bricks and mortar bookselling market. What’s less expected is that their request is a joint one, which PA ceo Richard Mollet said in a statement “reflects the strength of feeling among publishing companies that the OFT should block this merger.” Bookseller Meanwhile, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) will conduct an ‘informal review’ of Pearson’s proposed acquisition of REDGRoup Retail’s online business. The closing […]
A Batch of Updates
Today’s headlines are mostly updates to yesterday’s stories and other ongoing tales: * The UK’s Office of Fair Trading has officially invited comment on Amazon’s deal to buy The Book Depository and whether it “may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition within any market or markets in the United Kingdom,” a process which “effectively starts our merger enquiry.” They will decide whether to refer the deal to the Competition Commission for formal investigation and report by the end of August. Release * In Australia, the remaining 16 company-owned Angus & Robertson bookstores that have not been […]
Christopher Little Threatens Legal Action Over Blair and Rowling Departures
The UK press now has reaction from agent Christopher Little–via a spokesperson–following last week’s departures of Neil Blair from Little’s agency to set up his own company, and of star client JK Rowling, who “has terminated her association with the Christopher Little Literary Agency” will continue working with Blair at his new company. Rowling’s spokesperson says, “This was a painful decision, especially as Ms Rowling had actively sought a different outcome for some weeks. However, it was not taken without good reason and it finally became unavoidable.” Meanwhile, Little’s spokesperson implies that the action is not final, saying “he is […]
Pearson Buys Borders Australia and Angus & Robertson Web Businesses
In a different type of strategic acquisition, Pearson Australia has acquired the online bookselling and ebook businesses of the bankrupt REDGroup retail, which includes the online stores for Borders Australia and Angus & Robertson. (The sites are http://www.borders.com.au/ and http://www.angusrobertson.com.au/.) They intend to retain 16 staff members associated with the businesses, and will run the two sites separately for now. Pearson also has an agreement with REDGroup’s ebook partner Kobo. While it’s not entirely clear if they will continue to use Kobo as their vendor (REDGroup was an investor in Kobo as well), it will at a minimum give “customers continued […]
Amazon Has Deal to Acquire UK’s The Book Depository
Amazon has made yet another strategic acquisition that was just lying there within easy grasp of many others as well, bound to the extend the company’s strong hand in sales of English-language books around the world. They have an agreement to acquire the fast-growing UK-based The Book Depository, for undisclosed terms. Amazon vp of European Retail Greg Greeley says in the brief announcement, “Customers in more than 100 countries enjoy The Book Depository’s vast selection, convenient delivery and free shipping. The Book Depository is very focused on serving its customers around the world, and we look forward to welcoming them […]