In advance of a formal reply to the court, former Penguin Canada ceo David Davidar’s attorney Peter Downard released a statement, saying “the public attacks require Mr. Davidar’s response.” Their story is that “Davidar had a consensual, flirtatious relationship that grew out of a close friendship with a colleague” and they imply that Rundle turned it into a dispute after he decided “their relationship should be confined to business.” Davidar says that in 2007 “their friendship became flirtatious” and he “suggested to Ms. Rundle that their relationship become more romantic.” The statement claims ebbs and flows in that flirtation, but […]
International News
Controversial Books: Anne Frank Novel; Supposed Diary of Former Chinese Premier
London’s Sunday Times reported on YA writer Sharon Dogar’s forthcoming ANNEXED, set for publication in September by Andersen Press in the UK (part of Random UK) and October from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the US. A novelized version of the story of Peter van Pels, whose family hid in the same building in Amsterdam as Anne Frank and her family during WWII, the catalog copy says it explores “What was it like to be forced into hiding with Anne Frank, first to hate her and then to find yourself falling in love with her?” The Times article says it includes […]
Rundle Claims Others at Penguin Knew About Davidar's "Behavior"
In Lisa Rundle’s legal filing against Penguin Canada and former president David Davidar, she also alleges that Davidar’s behavior was well-known within the publisher’s offices. Rundle’s action says that “colleagues would approach Lisa and inquire as to the reasons for his strange behavior during meetings.” It claims that the vp of business development and the business manager approached her “several times over the course of the three-year harassment.” The claim also says that Rundle “confided” in current publisher Nicole Winstanley (referred to as N.W. in the court papers) “for the final two years of the harassment” and Davidar’s executive assistant […]
Rundle's Legal Filing Alleges At Least One Prior Claim of Harrassment Against Davidar
Former Penguin Canada employee Lisa Rundle’s lawsuit against the company and former ceo David Davidar alleges that another employee had filed a sexual harassment complaint against Davidar with the human services department in 2008. Rundle alleges that Davidar showed her the other employee’s complaint, and said that the had “come to her senses” and recanted–after which she received a promotion. In the filing, Rundle says that in March 2010 she asked to be released from her position of director of digital publishing and foreign rights–to which she was promoted in January–so that she could stop reporting directly to Davidar and […]
Awards, People, Etc.
Last week Wells Tower won the New York Public Library’s Young Lions fiction award for his debut story collection EVERYTHING RAVAGED, EVERYTHING BURNED.NYPL In the UK, EDItEUR has hired Graham Bell as chief data architect. He was most recently head of publishing systems at Harper UK. In the UK, Tindal Street will move their sales and distribution to Atlantic Books. The Bookseller reports that Scott Pack will take the new role of directorof digital product development at Harper UK, reporting to David Roth-Ey, while continuing to serve as publisher for what’s left of The Friday Project. And Chicken House founder […]
At the Simon & Schuster adult trade imprint, Michelle Jasmine and Jessica Abell have both been promoted to associate publicist. And at S&S’s Howard Books imprint, Holly Halverson joined the company as senior editor (she was at the Hachette Book Group most recently), and Jessica Wong has been promoted to associate editor. VP of publicity Jennifer Willingham has been promoted to associate publisher, and Angie VanTassell has been hired as director of publicity. She was at Alday Communications most recently. Ashley Earnhardt has been promoted to publishing manager. At Simon & Schuster UK, a consolidation of Pocket Books into the […]