A month ago Random House UK announced their intention to cut staff by approximately 5 percent (as did Harper UK) and now the Bookseller says that the company announced the elimination of 33 jobs today. Individuals were not named, but the magazine says that cutbacks included Transworld senior publishing director Francesca Liversidge and other “senior editorial” people.Bookseller In other UK publishing layoffs, lobbying of the eighteen academics who comprise the Syndicate that governs Cambridge University Press has raised “hope that at least half of the [book printing] jobs threatened by the restructuring will be saved,” the Guardian reports. Director of […]
International News
Nibbie Winners Include Obama
The British Book Award winners were announced last Friday night: Best Read: When Will There Be Good News, by Kate Atkinson Author of the Year: Aravind Adiga for The White TigerBiography: Dreams From My Father, by Barack ObamaCrime Thriller: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg LarssonPopular Fiction: Devil May Care, by Sebastian FaulksNon-Fiction: The Suspicions of Mr Whicher, by Kate SummerscaleNew Writer: Tom Rob Smith for Child 44 Children’s Book: Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie MeyerList In other awards, The International Association of Culinary Professionals’ cookbook honors were dominated by independent (and formerly independent) lines. Ten Speed Press received […]
Bloomsbury Says It Had A "Strong Performance"
Overall results were down sharply for fiscal 2008 at Bloomsbury due to comparisons to the launch of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, with sales falling by more than a third to 99.95 million pounds, with pre-tax profits of 11.63 million pounds. But the company offers itself long and hearty congratulations as “it re-balances its business in the wake of the Harry Potter phenomenon and of the demands of a global recession.” Units in both the US and Germany improved during the year, with US sales up 29.4 percent to 17.32 million (essentially all due to the decline of the […]
Wilson Takes New Post at Headline As Neild Prepares to Leave
Kate Wilson, who left her position as managing director of Scholastic UK without noting her next step, is taking on the newly-created post of chief executive of the Headline Publishing Group within Hachette UK. Wilson joins the company on May 5 and will report to managing director of Headline and chief executive of Hodder & Stoughton and John Murray Martin Neild–but only until Neild relinquishes his full-time job in early 2010 to become a consultant to the company. At that point, Wilson will report directly to Hachette UK ceo Tim Hely Hutchinson and Jamie Hodder-Williams will move up from managing […]
Macmillan's Brief Statement Over Recalled Marr Book
Pan Macmillan issued a brief statement about their recalled Andrew Marr book, saying that “through its solicitors [it] has apologized to Erin Pizzey for the situation that has arisen, has withdrawn the book from circulation and will be removing the passage complained of. As this is an ongoing legal matter, Pan Macmillan will not be able to comment any further.” Attorney Edward Yell, who represents Pizzey, acknowledged the legal objection concerned an assertion in the book that Pizzey (a women’s rights activist) was linked to a militant bombing group in the 1970s called the Angry Brigade. “Yell said he sent […]
Hely Hutchinson Admits Waterstone's Exclusive Was a Mistake; Cancels Plan
Hachette UK head Tim Hely Hutchinson said on Radio Four’s Today show he was cancelling Hodder & Stoughton’s plan to sell Glen David Gold’s new book exclusively at Waterstone’s in hardcover ahead of the fall paperback release to the trade. In what he terms “a historic climbdown,” he announces: “We got this wrong, and so I’m cancelling the exclusivity with the kind permission of Waterstone’s. In retrospect it was a mistake anyway, and choosing between confusion and conspiracy it was definitely in the confusion camp.” He noted, “Although the hardback [of Carter Beats the Devil] did not do very well, […]