When Canada’s dominant book chain Indigo made comprehensive changes to its co-op program last year, local publishers were not exactly happy. Now they are upset again over further co-op increases that went into effect on April 1, but are only beginning to register with some publishers. Quill & Quire reports that Indigo “raised co-op fees from 4 to 5 per cent for books sold online or in its brick-and-mortar stores – an increase of 25 per cent.” In an email to publishers and distributors obtained by Q&Q, Indigo vice-president for adult trade Bahram Olfati said the co-op fee increase was […]
People, Etc.
At Simon & Schuster’s adult trade imprint, Sammy Perlmutter has been promoted to assistant editor, and Rebecca Marsh and Andrea Rogoff move up to associate publicists. Kathleen Calhoun Nettleton has been promoted to president and publisher of Pelican Publishing, effective immediately. First joining the company in 1983, Nettleton served as promotion director from 1985 until her promotion in 2008 to assistant to the publisher, her late father Milburn Calhoun. As part of the ALA’s annual State of America’s Libraries Report, their Office for Intellectual Freedom has released their list of the ten most frequently challenged books and authors in 2011: […]
Potter eBooks Now Available to Libraries
As of Thursday morning, the Harry Potter ebooks and digital audio recordings are available to libraries through OverDrive, as previously promised. Participating libraries can be found via www.overdrive.com/harrypotter. OverDrive is providing EPUB files, and library patrons can borrow Kindle-format files in the US. OverDrive had been taking pre-orders from libraries for what was said to be an April launch, and then mysteriously “temporarily suspended pre-sales and display” through library catalogs on March 20.
OverDrive “Temporarily Suspends” Pre-Sales of Harry Potter eBooks
OverDrive continues to perfect the uninformative release in a brief bulletin noting they have “temporarily suspended pre-sales and display” of the forthcoming Harry Potter ebooks at library websites. “This is only a postponement, and libraries will soon be able to resume pre-ordering the titles in preparation for launch in April.” Needless to say, no cause is cited, and they add “we’ll keep you posted as the process unfolds,” but of course they won’t–they’ll just announce when it’s working again. There was a brief moment earlier in the month when PaidContent noticed the New York Public Library online catalog showed the Potter […]
ALA President Raphael Continues Dialog with Publishers
Before the pointed address by the NYPL’s Anthony Marx at this morning’s AAP annual meeting, president of the American Library Association Molly Raphael spoke to the organization with prepared remarks. In a respectful address that acknowledged the two organization’s mutual goals and needs, she said, “We must be allies in this new environment; we must understand that we are all part of the same ecosystem.” Much of Raphael’s message was in between the lines, taking note of recent discussions between her association and publishers. It’s clear they understand that publishers are not allowed (and also not likely) to discuss a […]
NYPL President Urges Publishers to Propose Pilot Models
In an impassioned address at the Association of American Publishers’ annual meeting, president and CEO of the New York Public Library Dr. Anthony Marx told publishers: “We’re eager to be promoting your books. We are trusted by our patrons to have views about quality. We help to sell your books.” He noted, “on the library site now, if you come in looking for a book and it’s out, the first thing we ask you is whether you want to buy a copy. Our patrons buy books and we buy books. We bring in speakers thorough NYPL live and we hope […]