Riverhead, Transworld in the UK, and Doubleday Canada have announced that The Girl on the Train author Paula Hawkins‘ much-anticipated next novel will be released on May 2, 2017. Into the Water is another novel of psychological suspense “about the slipperiness of the truth and a family drowning in secrets.” The set up: “When a single mother and a teenage girl each turn up dead at the bottom of the river, just weeks apart, the ensuing investigation dredges up a complicated history.” The US edition is listed as 352 pages long, priced at $27. A cover has been released for the UK edition, […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
People, Etc.
At Simon & Schuster Children’s, Audrey Gibbons has been promoted to senior publicist. Recipients were announced for the second round of $1.75 million in grants that James Patterson is providing to school libraries across the country, working in partnerships with Scholastic Reading Club, which matches the grants with points for classroom materials purchases. 452 schools are receiving funds from the latest grants. Patterson says in the announcement: “We’ve just come out of the most divisive presidential election in history—and among all the issues that captivated voters, education wasn’t one of them. It was hardly discussed. Nearly half of the American […]
Kelly Denies Her Book SETTLE FOR MORE Says What NYT Reported
In advance of the book’s publication on November 15, NYT book critic Jennifer Senior also obtained a copy of Megyn Kelly’s SETTLE FOR MORE — first written about by Radar — and ran an early review (rather than a news story). Senior writes about Kelly’s accounts of president-elect Donald Trump’s behavior towards her, and adds to the story of Kelly’s allegations against ousted Fox chief executive Roger Ailes. She writes that Ailes “engineered hit pieces about me online” after she declined to defend him this summer, presenting her with this option: “I could ensure that the owners of Fox News Channel — […]
Megyn Kelly’s Book Includes Added Accounts of Harassment By Ailes
Fox News personality Megyn Kelly’s forthcoming book SETTLE FOR MORE contains her account of sexual harassment by former boss Roger Ailes, which RadarOnline says “was added at the last minute” to the manuscript. The WSJ, which often has ready access to “a person familiar with the matter” at their corporate sibling HarperCollins, confirms the Radar account that this chapter “was a late addition to the book.” In the book, with RO says they obtained ahead of the official release date, Kelly recount Ailes asking her to speak in his defense when he was first accused by others of harassment: “I was […]
New Ken Follett Book Coming In September 2017
While Ken Follett has previously indicated in vague fashion that his next book would be published in the fall of 2017, today Viking has told Publishers Lunch that the new epic, A COLUMN OF FIRE, will release in North America on September 12, 2017. The book is the third installment in the Kingsbridge series, following The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End. A final page count and price are still to be determined, though Viking says the length “will be similar to World Without End, which was close to 1000 pages.” (World Without End was published in 2007 as $35 hardcover.) […]
People, Etc.
Stephanie Hitchcock has been promoted to editor at Harper Business. At Henry Holt, Jessica Wiener has been appointed director of marketing. At Little, Brown, Katharine Myers has been promoted to associate director of publicity. In addition, Pamela Brown moves up to marketing director, Little, Brown and Mulholland Books, while Lauren Velasquez joins as marketing manager. Previously she was a marketing manager at the Crown Publishing Group. At Triada US, Brent Taylor has been promoted to subsidiary (audio and foreign) rights manager in addition to his role as associate agent. On Friday, the BISG presented their annual awards to Dominique Raccah at […]