Little, Brown has world English rights to the first novel for adults by JK Rowling, the company announced Thursday morning. Little Brown UK publisher David Shelley will serve as Rowling’s editor and Michael Pietsch will oversee publication in the US. All other details–title, pub date “and further details about the novel will be announced later in the year.” But one important element has been settled: While the world waits for Pottermore and the Harry Potter ebooks, Little, Brown promises they will publish “both in print and ebooks.” Rowling says in the release: “Although I’ve enjoyed writing it every bit as […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
Algonquin Hopes to Have Rosset Autobiography Ready This Year
Algonquin Books released a statement expressing their sadness at the death of Barney Rosset on Tuesday. The house has Rosset’s autobiography THE SUBJECT WAS LEFT-HANDED under contract (Wednesday’s Lunch misstated it as a biography), and publisher Elisabeth Scharlatt says, “We are very sad that he won’t be here to see his book published, and hope to release it within the year.” Bradford Morrow was working with Rosset on the manuscript, which has been in the works “for quite some time” according to Scharlatt. Separately, president of Grove/Atlantic Morgan Entrekin had this to say about the former head of Grove Press: […]
Upcoming: Final Wheel of Time Book Set for January 2013; Harper Gets Knox Memoir; Lin Shopping Memoir (Or Not)
Tor will release THE MEMORY OF LIGHT, the final novel in the Wheel of Time series begun by Robert Jordan and completed by Brandon Sanderson, on January 8, 2013, calling the book “one of the most important titles Tor will ever publish.” As has been widely reported, Harper will publish Amanda Knox’s memoir in 2013, paying as much as $4 million following a multi-day auction involving as many as seven publishers. Harper publisher Jonathan Burnham told the AP Knox “would work with a collaborator” and that he was “deeply impressed” with Knox after meeting her. “The experience of actually sitting […]
Katherine Furman has joined Reader’s Digest as senior editor for their trade books division, focusing on informative nonfiction, humor, inspirational stories, and other titles that align with the Reader’s Digest brand. She was previously an editor at Sterling. Cara Bedick has joined The Experiment in the newly-created position of editor; she most recently was associate editor at Gotham. Ani Chamichian has also joined the company, as sales director. Little, Brown Children’s announced the publication of the first installment in Lemony Snicket‘s new ALL THE WRONG QUESTIONS series, originally expected in 2011, now set for publication on October 23, with an […]
People, Etc.
University of North Carolina Press director Kate Torrey will retire this summer after 23 years at the press. She first joined in 1989 as editor-in-chief and was promoted to director in 1992. A search committee has been formed as part of the selection process for the next director. Celeste Fine will join Sterling Lord Literistic on January 30 as an agent, focusing on health, science, food, business, and lifestyle topics. She will also manage foreign rights for the agency’s children’s and young adult list. Previously, Fine was svp, subsidiary rights director for Folio Literary Management. At Random House Children’s Books, […]
Coming Soon: Baseball Novel From Grisham; Picture Book from Jill Biden; and More
Doubleday announced an April 10 publication date for John Grisham‘s next novel CALICO JOE, set within the world of major league baseball in 1973. USA TODAY Simon & Schuster Children’s will release DON’T FORGET NANA, GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS, a picture book by vice president Joe Biden’s wife Jill Biden, on June 5. The AP reports the book, illustrated by Raul Colon, is “told from the point of view of granddaughter Natalie Biden and a tribute to soldiers and their families.” In a brief interview Biden said: “I really feel that you write your best about what you know best…That’s […]