Little, Brown has been soliciting orders for a untitled, embargoed November 14 release. The publisher bills it in an e-mail as “the inside story of life with one of the most controversial figures of our time.” A company leaker says the book is listed on company systems as written by Andrew Madoff’s fiancee Catherine Hooper and freelance writer Laurie Sandell. Sandell’s graphic novel memoir THE IMPOSTOR’S DAUGHTER was published by Judy Clain at Little, Brown in 2009, represented by Amanda Urban at ICM. The NYT says the publisher’s e-mail promises a “massive media rollout” and an already-booked 60 Minutes appearance. […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
Hastings’ Book On Offer After Little, Brown Cancels
Michael Hastings’ book The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America’s War in Afghanistan, planned for publication in December from Little, Brown, is now in turnaround. Little, Brown spokesperson Nicole Dewey says that their “publication plans have been cancelled due to editorial differences.” Agent Andrew Wylie is said to be offering the book to others now. The NY Post writes that “an investigation by the Department of Defense [following Hastings’ Rolling Stone article on General Stanley McChrystal, “The Runaway General”] said it could not find people to corroborate some of Hastings’ details and cast some doubt on the […]
Authors, Would-Be Authors, and Subjects: Fonda, Anthony and Milchan
Jane Fonda announced on her blog that QVC cancelled a planned introductory appearance for her new book PRIME TIME. “The network said they got a lot of calls yesterday criticizing me for my opposition to the Vietnam War and threatening to boycott the show if I was allowed to appear. I am, to say the least, deeply disappointed that QVC caved to this kind of insane pressure by some well funded and organized political extremist groups. And that they did it without talking to me first.” Fonda adds “this has gone on far too long, this spreading of lies about […]
Today In Books Not Published
As publishers theoretically tempt Maria Shriver into writing a memoir, Page Six says that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s own plans to publish a book will likely have to wait on her. By their account in April “his lawyers were reviewing fine print on an agreement for a multimillion-dollar memoir deal.” A spokesperson tells the column, “I can confirm that the governor is considering a memoir and has looked at offers from different publishers.” But as one publisher tells Page six anonymously, “no woman is going to pay to read Arnold’s story through his eyes.” Shriver is represented by Jan Miller at Dupree […]
Krakauer’s Attention-Getting eBook Now In Print
Most major publishers continue to say that as a matter of policy they will not buy books for print-only publication, but as a practical matter, licensing paperback rights to a successful ebook remains in play. In the latest instance, Knopf Doubleday’s Anchor line has licensed trade paperback rights to longtime house author John Krakauer’s 96-page THREE CUPS OF DECEIT following ebook-only publication by in April as a Kindle Singles ebook. Vintage Anchor editorial director LuAnn Walther–who has been Krakauer’s longtime paperback editor at the house, alongside his hardcover editor Bill Thomas–made the deal directly with the author, according to […]
Assange Memoir Reportedly Near Cancellation
Julian Assange’s memoir, once set for a release last April by Canongate and then delayed further last month, now may not be published at all. The Guardian quotes “publishing sources” as saying the book won’t be released “at least in its original form” after the Wikileaks founder “indicated he no longer wished to write the kind of book that was initially envisaged.” It appears Assange thinks the manuscript as ghostwritten by Andrew O’Hagan “could give ammunition to US prosecutors, whom he fears may seek his extradition on terrorist charges relating to WikiLeaks disclosures.” A spokeswoman for Canongate told the paper […]