Atria has announced a 2 million copy first printing for THE POWER, Rhonda Byrne’s follow-up to THE SECRET, which will be published next month.AP The AP also looks at why poetry has proven to be “the least adaptable to the growing e-book market”: no one’s quite certain how to figure out how to keep the integrity of a poem intact in digital formats.AP This week’s NYT trend piece: nanny lit isn’t going away, it’s just changed, “showcasing complex and imperfect nannies whose personal stories intersect with thorny larger questions about race, class, immigration and parenthood.”NYT The estate of Adrien Jacobs […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
Sotomayor Memoir to Knopf
Knopf will publish a coming-of-age memoir by Sonia Sotomayor, in which she will detail growing up in the South Bronx as an American daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants and track the events that culminated in her recent appointment as a Supreme Court Judge. “Sonia Sotomayor has lived a remarkable life and her achievements will prove an inspiration to readers around the world,” said Sonny Mehta in yesterday’s release. “Hers is a triumph of the Latino experience in America.” Knopf acquired World rights from Peter Bernstein to the still-untitled book, which will be published simultaneously in a Spanish-language edition by Vintage […]
Controversial Books: Anne Frank Novel; Supposed Diary of Former Chinese Premier
London’s Sunday Times reported on YA writer Sharon Dogar’s forthcoming ANNEXED, set for publication in September by Andersen Press in the UK (part of Random UK) and October from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the US. A novelized version of the story of Peter van Pels, whose family hid in the same building in Amsterdam as Anne Frank and her family during WWII, the catalog copy says it explores “What was it like to be forced into hiding with Anne Frank, first to hate her and then to find yourself falling in love with her?” The Times article says it includes […]
Meyer's Bree Tanner Moves Over 350K In Two Days
Little, Brown Children’s says that they sold over 350,000 copies of Stephenie Meyer’s THE SHORT SECOND LIFE OF BREE TANNER in the first 48 hours of sale in the US. They also tabulate that 15,000 people around the world have read the free online version “in its entirety.” (In 2007 her third book ECLIPSE sold an estimated 150,000 copies in its first day; in 2008 the publisher estimated first day says for BREAKING DAWN of 1.3 million copies.) Publisher Megan Tingley says in the announcement “we have every confidence that with the upcoming Eclipse movie release that Bree’s shelf life […]
Reasons to Go to the Store?
New releases may be finally helping to pull some physical book sales and in-store traffic. Following the big Stieg Larsson launch (already covered) and a number of other good openings for new fiction, tomorrow is the release of Stephenie Meyer’s Eclipse “novella,” The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, followed by Tuesday’s release of trade favorite Justin Cronin’s The Passage.
Summer Books to Watch
We always enjoy the Wall Street Journal’s detailed preview of summer books which runs today. Along the same vein, USA Today ran their summer preview package earlier in the week, and the NYT’s Janet Maslin stuffs her beach bag with “fangs and other fluff, completely guilt free,” calling summer “the time to stop lying about what you read for fun.” In a short ebook preview, the Journal notes that the designers of the iPad version of Alice of Wonderland will sell a version of The Wizard of Oz next, while Vook has a two-part thriller series that features 36 chapters […]