Scholastic announced the third book in Suzanne Collins Hunger Games trilogy, following this September’s release of Catching Fire, will be published on August 24, 2010. They will issue a trade paperback version of the first book, The Hunger Games, on July 6, 2010. So far, the first two hardcovers have over 1.5 million copies in print.
New Releases/Forthcoming
Random Moves Up McCann Paperback, and More Announcements
Random House Trade Paperbacks has moved up publication of the trade paperback edition of National Book Award-winning novel LET THE GREAT WORLD SPIN by Colum McCann from next spring to December 4. They say they are printing 100,000 copies. PJ Mark, formerly an agent and international rights director at McCormick & Williams, will join Janklow & Nesbit Associates in January as an agent, to expand his list of award-winning young talent in fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. Wiley has signed with the Copyright Clearance Center to use their Rightslink service as the online licensing solution for their journals and books. […]
Harlequin Adds Self-Publishing Line
Following the same model as Thomas Nelson’s recently-announced WestBow Press, Harlequin has started a self-publishing line. Like Nelson, they are outsourcing most of the work to Author Solutions as their partner. Unlike Nelson, they aren’t afraid to use their own name for the line, which is called Harlequin Horizons. As they say on the site: “The intent behind creating Harlequin Horizons is to give more aspiring romance writers and women’s fiction writers the opportunity to publish their books and achieve their dreams without going through the submission process with a traditional publishing house. “However, we understand you may aspire to […]
AP Reads Palin
The embargo on the Sarah Palin book was broken easily as the AP purchased an early copy yesterday. Among her claims that they cite: “Palin bitterly details how she was prevented from delivering a concession speech on election night, how she’d been kept “bottled up” from reporters during the campaign and prevented in many ways from just being herself. She also contends she was prepped to give non-answers during her debate with Joe Biden.” She calls Katie Couric “badgering” and “contends the anchor chose ‘gotcha’ moments while leaving the candidate’s more substantive remarks on the cutting room floor.” Also, “Palin […]
Swede Offers "A Mountain of Dirty Laundry" In Rare Tell-All About Ikea
Former Ikea executive Johan Stenebo (who also spent time as personal assistant to company founder Ingvar Kamprad) is among the first to challenge the furniture-retailer’s glossy public image from the inside. Spiegel Online says the tell-all book “has attracted much attention in Sweden. It is the first time in the more than 60-year history of Ikea that negative comments have been made by a senior staff member in public. It’s clear that the book is some sort of payback: a mountain of dirty laundry divided into 14 chapters.” They add “the book claims that common preconceptions about Ikea and Kamprad […]
Random House Expands Statement On Cancelled Ref Book
“After a close legal review of the final manuscript of Blowing the Whistle by Tim Donaghy, and our independent evaluation of some of the author’s sources and statements, Triumph Books and Random House have decided not to go forward with the book’s publication. Our decision is wholly our own and was made without consultation with any outside parties or individuals.”USAT