Abrams’ Amulet Books imprint has announced Jeff Kinney’s fourth installment in his Diary of a Wimpy Kid series for publication October 12. All details–cover art, title, and first printing–will “be unveiled over the next few months.”
New Releases/Forthcoming
"Final" Robert Jordan Book to be Published in Thirds
Tor announced today that Brandon Sanderson’s much-anticipated completion of the late Robert Jordan’s unfinished final installment of the Wheel of Time series has expanded so much that it will be published in three (sizable) volumes. Having promised fans a book this year, the first part, comprising a manuscript of about 300,000 words, will be published as THE GATHERING STORM on November 3. (The next two volumes are tentatively titled SHIFTING WINDS and TARMON’GAIDON, though Sanderson notes on his blog the title of the first one changed rather quickly. Together the three installments comprise A MEMORY OF LIGHT.) Editor (and Jordan’s […]
Albom Nonfiction Set for September
Mitch Albom has delivered the manuscript for HAVE A LITTLE FAITH: A True Story of a Last Request, for publication this September. “It all started with the question: How does a nonreligious person like me do a eulogy?” It is his first work of nonfiction since the 1997 bestseller TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE. The Detroit Free Press reports, “Albom explains there are three central characters: One is an inner-city pastor who was a criminal in Detroit before turning his life around and taking over a church that helps homeless people. The second character is a 90-year-old rabbi from the suburbs of […]
Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to Write About Economic Meltdown
Grand Central imprint Business Plus will release an account of the economic crisis by Henry Paulson, former Secretary of the Treasury and CEO of Goldman Sachs, this October. According to a statement issued Wednesday by Business Plus, the untitled book will “include Paulson’s personal recollections of key moments and decisions” and “will also include his insights on what has happened since he left office.” In a telephone interview with the AP, Paulson said: “I didn’t come to Washington thinking I was going to leave and write a book, but this period was so significant and there are so many insights […]
BEA Editors Buzz Forum Choices, Plus New YA Session
BEA’s Editors Buzz Forum will return to its traditional Thursday time slot, and adds a Young Adult Buzz Forum on Friday, May 29 “to address the growing interest in young adult books.” Along with announcing this year’s selection, convention officials note that criteria for buzz book consideration has now been formalized for future years: All nominated books must have a fall release timeline (September – January). All submissions must have a digital packet which includes jacket art, first chapter, imprint logo, author photo and SMPR (social media press release). BEA will create a “Books with Buzz” tab on its web […]
Searching Inside HarperCollins' Digital Catalog
HarperCollins has been promising for a while that it would make its seasonal catalogs an all-digital affair, and as of yesterday, starting with Fall 2009, they’ve taken that step with a beta version that features book jackets and covers, prices, on-sale dates, marketing information, reviews, sample spreads, quotes, important media alerts and additional media content. The aim is for a “significantly more dynamic experience” than the traditional print catalog, also making available select galleys and AREs for browsing. “We are providing an improved tool that will always contain current information and one that will save time and resources for publishers, […]