In one of the more unusual attempts to spice up the traditional preview of fall books, AP quotes Michael Moore as saying this is not the time to be reading – not even Moore’s upcoming book Mike’s Election Guide 2008. “There really is no time for any frivolity. People are already working two jobs to put gas in the tank, so they can drive from the first job to the second job. People need to spend as much of their free time as possible for candidates…I would rather you go and work for a local candidate than read my book.” […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
Debate over Chronological Bible
Leaving aside the unsubstantiated (and incorrect) characterization of ” the midst of a Bible-publishing boom,” USA Today has a long piece looking at Thomas Nelson’s forthcoming CHRONOLOGICAL STUDY BIBLE. “The latest edition rejiggers the order of books, psalms, and Gospels in an effort to provide a historical framework for a text most scholars consider chronologically challenged.” But some scholars regard the exercise as non-productive and even confusing: “For some biblical accounts, such as the Israelites’ exile to Babylon, there are historical accounts to support the narrative. Other stories require a leap of faith, however. Scholars say trying to rearrange individual […]
Swift Boat Author Back with Anti-Obama Book
Four years after Unfit for Command helped derail John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign, Jerome Corsi returns with Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, which will debut at the top of the New York Times Non-Fiction hardcover bestseller list this weekend. So naturally the NYT’s Jim Rutenberg and Julie Bosman are paying attention to the book, published by S&S’s Threshold imprint, as the latest example of “an effective and favored delivery system for political attacks.” They also hone in on of the paper’s favorite subjects, the lack of time for proper fact checking prior to publication. In this […]
Buffett Bio Now Scheduled for September
The authorized biography of investor Warren Buffett finally has a release date: September 29, according to Bantam Dell. The 976-page book is being written by former Morgan Stanley insurance analyst Alice Schroeder with Buffett’s cooperation and is titled The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life. The book had been scheduled for a May release in conjunction with Buffett’s insurance and investment company Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting, but was delayed.USA TODAY
Change They Can Sell
CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN: Barack Obama’s Plan to Renew America’s Promise will be published on September 9 by Three Rivers Press as a paperback with an announced first printing of 300,000 copies and a list price of $13.95. (An e-book version will publish the day before.) Written by the staff of Obama for America, with a foreword by Barack Obama, Crown says the book “will describe and explain how Senator Obama will change Washington and what that change will mean to the American people.” The second part of the book will collect seven of the candidate’s speeches: including the […]
Suskind Documents CIA Lie
Ron Suskind, author of THE WAY OF THE WORLD, includes former CIA head of the Near East division and deputy director of clandestine operations Rob Richer as one of his on-the-record sources for the assertion that the agency was ordered to fake a document to help support the Administration’s case for war in Iraq. As wagons were circled when the book was released, Richer said in a statement “I never received direction from George Tenet or anyone else in my chain of command to fabricate a document from Habbush as outlined in Mr. Suskind’s book.” But Suskind has now posted […]