Amélie Wen Zhao’s debut YA novel Blood Heir, originally scheduled for publication June and postponed earlier this year, will be published on November 19 by Delacorte. In January, Delacorte postponed indefinitely their publication at the author’s request, after some online readers accused Zhao of racism and insensitivity to the history of American slavery. Though Zhao had apologized “to the book community” at the time and expressed gratitude “to those who have raised questions,” now she tells the NYT that she reread her book several times and decided her critics were not right. She revised the novel, but says the final […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
Briefs: Prince Memoir Coming In October, and More
Stephen Brayda will join the Harper One Group on April 24 as art director for Harper Via, Amistad and Harper Espanol, reporting to Judith Curr. He was previously with Riverhead. Director of events at Copperfield’s Books Barbara Lane debuts a column for the San Francisco Chronicle, Chapters and Verse, where she will “discuss what I love about the literary world, often focusing on our rich Northern California scene, personalities, trends, controversies and more.” Forthcoming As agent Esther Newberg had indicated in an interview a year ago, the unfinished memoir by the late Prince Rogers Nelson will be published October 29 […]
People, Etc.
Susan Dobinick has been promoted to senior editor, nonfiction at Bloomsbury Children’s. Jen Monroe has been promoted to editor at Berkley. Emma Benshoff joins Random House Children’s as associate publicist. She previously worked for Random House Publishing Group as publicity assistant. Megan McLaughlin has been promoted to associate art director for Dr. Seuss and Beginner Books. At HMH, Marina Padakis has been promoted to senior managing editor and Kristin Brodeur has been promoted to managing editor, digital formats. Stephanie Guerdan and Carolina Ortiz have both been promoted to assistant editor at Harper Children’s. Founding publisher of Tricycle Press Nicole Geiger […]
People, Awards, Etc.
At St. Martin’s, Joe Goldschein has been promoted to senior director, marketing & sales operations; Kim Ludlam to director, creative services; Martin Quinn to associate director, marketing; Marissa Sangiacomo to senior marketing manager; Erik Platt to senior manager, digital advertising operations; Danielle Prielipp to senior marketing manager; Joe Brosnan to senior marketing manager; DJ DeSmyter to marketing manager; and Dylan Helstien to assistant manager, advertising operations. Paddy Laidley, executive vice president and head of Raincoast Books, will retire on May 31. Current vice president of sales Peter MacDougall will succeed her. Laidley joined Raincoast in 1994 as sales manager and […]
Announcements: Howard Stern Book Official, As Are New Imprints and Elton John Event
Simon & Schuster is finally acknowledging their delayed Howard Stern book — first announced accidentally through metadata last July, and originally expected for publication in September (then bumped to November, then to March 2019, and finally to May 14). The book is called HOWARD STERN COMES AGAIN, and Simon & Schuster publisher Jonathan Karp confirms in the announcement, “I’ve been waiting two years for this book to be finished, because Howard Stern told me to be patient.” S&S will publish in the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and Canada as well, and acquired world rights to the book. In other celebrity […]
Washington Post Hopes to Issue Mueller Report Book
The Washington Post has sold a book on THE MUELLER REPORT to Colin Harrison at Scribner, intending to publish “instantly” as an ebook and paperback — but only if the results of the investigation are made public. Todd Shuster and Bridget Matzie at Aevitas represented the newspaper. (The publisher has audio and will publish in the UK as well.) “In addition to publishing the findings of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III (when and if they become public), The Mueller Report will draw on The Washington Post’s extensive reporting on the investigation.” That includes an introduction by journalists Rosalind S. […]