Michael Wolff’s FIRE AND FURY looks to have sold out available stock more or less immediately at major accounts and others following the accelerated release of the title. Kramerbooks in Washington, DC stayed open late and put their 75 copies on sale after midnight Thursday — technically ahead of the 9:00 AM release, but no publishing police were on hand to stop them. A sales clerk said, “We sold out in less than 20 minutes.” Online, most major accounts — including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart and Target — show the title as temporarily out of stock. (Books-a-Million may have […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
FIRE AND FURY Goes On Sale Friday Morning
Publisher Henry Holt announced Thursday afternoon that, “Due to unprecedented demand, we are moving the on-sale date for all formats of FIRE AND FURY by Michael Wolff to Friday, January 5, at 9 AM Eastern.” Wolff quickly added on Twitter, “Here we go. You can buy it (and read it) tomorrow. Thank you, Mr. President.” Shortly before the official announcement, the WSJ had indicated that major retailers, including Barnes & Noble, were already prepared to start selling the book Friday, even without formal permission from the publisher to ignore the formal on-sale date of Tuesday, January 9. Books-A-Million ceo Terry Finley noted, “We […]
For People Who Like to Read, the 11-Page Letter Trump’s Attorney Served On Publisher Holt
The full, 11-page letter from California attorney that Charles J. Harder as litigation counsel for Donald Trump sent to Holt president and publisher Steve Rubin and FIRE AND FURY author Michael Wolff has been posted online. (Note that the letter was actually dispatched to generic publicity@ and rights@ email addresses for Holt, along with a nonexistent domain — webmaster@macmillanusa.com.) The full text expands on the key allegations that we covered earlier in the day — “Your publication of the false/baseless statements about Mr. Trump gives rise to, among other claims, defamation by libel, defamation by libel per se, false light […]
Book Bombogenesis: Fire and Fury All Over
Two intense storms hit the US on Wednesday, one caused by a book: Michael Wolff’s January 9 release FIRE AND FURY, which landed in a wave of embargo cracks and accelerated excerpts. As we covered Wednesday morning, the Guardian broke the embargo after obtaining a full copy of Michael Wolff’s forthcoming both Fire and Fury, they didn’t know how to read what they had: later Wednesday morning New York Magazine posted the moved-up version of their lengthy official excerpt in reaction, and the book quickly rose to the top of bestseller lists based on pre-orders. NBC also acquired a full copy, and […]
Fire and Fury Excerpt Lands with Impact (Trump Didn’t Want to be President, Didn’t Expect to Win)
Though the Guardian broke the embargo with a full copy of Michael Wolff’s forthcoming both Fire and Fury, they didn’t know how to read what they had: later Wednesday morning New York Magazine moved up their lengthy official excerpt in reaction, and the book quickly rose to the top of bestseller lists based on pre-orders. A second excerpt is now up at the Hollywood Reporter (where Wolff is a columnist). Originally it was being held for next week’s print issue, but then the magazine announced it would land online Thursday morning, with “lots of stuff still to be revealed.” NBC also acquired […]
Advance Word: Fire and Fury, and Brotopia
The Guardian acquired a copy of Michael Wolff‘s embargoed FIRE AND FURY: Inside the Trump White House from a New England bookseller in advance of the January 9 publication date. Their report will garner attention, at the same time that it will leave some wondering how deep the book’s revelations go, given the few quotes highlighted in the article. (They do say “Wolff lifts the lid on a White House lurching from crisis to crisis amid internecine warfare, with even some of Trump’s closest allies expressing contempt for him.”) Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who appears to have been […]