Yesterday the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from John Steinbeck’s son Thomas and grandson Blake Smyle of last year’s Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that left control of the author’s copyrights with his widow Elaine and publisher Penguin under the terms of a 1994 agreement. In a statement, Thomas Steinbeck expressed “profound disappointment,” adding that “the Supreme Court could have protected all the authors and artists in America from a future of intellectual bondage to big corporate publishers.” He insists the denial does “not mean that the Second Circuit was correct, it only means that the Supreme […]
HBG Adds Speakers Bureau
Hachette Book Group has joined the likes of Macmillan, Harper, Simon & Schuster, Penguin and Knopf in officially launching the Hachette Speakers Bureau. Like S&S, they are working in partnership with Greater Talent Network. Participating HBG authors include Christopher Buckley, John Feinstein, Christopher Hitchens, Sir Harold Evans, Charla Krupp, and Dr. Bill and Martha Sears,
Environmental Coalition Sets Goals for Greener Publishing
The Book Industry Environmental Council said today they hope to reduce the US book publishing industry’s greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent as of 2020 (and 80 percent by 2050). They estimate meeting the 2020 goal will save “the equivalent annual emissions of approximately 450,000 cars.” Chair of the climate subcommittee and Hachette Book Group vp Pete Datos says in the statement, “I’m very pleased that our industry has set aggressive but achievable goals that will have tangible benefits and will surely set a precedent for other industries.” Chaired by Random House and coordinated by the nonprofit GreenPress Initiative, the […]
After GBLT and Erotica Titles Lose Rankings and Other Features at Amazon, Company Says "Glitch" Will Be Fixed
A groundswell of Internet-driven protest built up on Sunday after YA author Mark Probst posted on a Live Journal blog that two days prior the Amazon sales ranking for two recently-released gay romance books had disappeared from the titles’ Amazon pages. An Amazon Advantage publisher, Probst posted the explanation he says he received from Amazon Advantage Member Services representative Ashlyn D: “In consideration of our entire customer base, we exclude ‘adult’ material from appearing in some searches and best seller lists. Since these lists are generated using sales ranks, adult materials must also be excluded from that feature.” As word […]
Ratings Cuts for Bertelsmann and Scholastic
Moody’s Investors Service lowered its ratings outlook on Bertelsmann, citing the advertising-market slump, waning consumer spending, weakening sales in the company’s book-publishing and magazine segments and the expectation of “further declines” this year. The ratings service expressed worries about the company’s ability to control debt that could “well come under additional pressure in 2009 given the difficult operating environment,” Nonetheless, Moody’s said Bertelsmann has “adequate” liquidity to meet its near-term needs.WSJ Separately, Standard & Poor’s reduced their rating on Scholastic to “BB-” last week, a day after Moody’s also downgraded the publisher’s debt. S&P credit analyst Tulip Lim said the […]
Amazon Closes Distribution Centers, Cuts 215 Jobs
Amazon will close three distribution centers in Munster, Ind., Red Rock, Nev., and Chambersburg, Pa., the first such moves since 2006. Amazon said the closures “are part of a reorganization of its fulfillment network” — moving capacity to larger warehouses that can “better balance product mix and customer orders.” The 215 workers at the three warehouses slated for closure will receive pay through May 25, receive benefits through May 31, and get a minimum of 3 weeks severance pay, according to Amazon spokesperson Patty Smith, who said “eligible” workers will be offered the chance to transfer to other U.S. distribution centers.TechFlash