Guadeloupean author Maryse Condé, 90, author of more than 20 novels including Segu and The Children of Segu, as well as memoirs, essays, and children’s books, has died.
Obituary: Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman, 90, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow and winner of the 2002 Nobel in economic science, died on March 27.
Obituaries: de Brunhoff, Vinge
French author-illustrator Laurent de Brunhoff, 98, died on March 22 from complications of a stroke. De Brunhoff wrote and illustrated the Babar picture books after the death of his father, Jean, who created the character. Science fiction author Vernor Vinge, 79, died on March 20 from Parkinson’s Disease. Vinge won Hugo Awards for his novels A FIRE UPON THE DEEP, A DEEPNESS IN THE SKY, and RAINBOWS END.
Obituary: Ken Fund
Ken Fund, 65, former COO of The Quarto Group, died on February 22. Fund joined Quarto in 1999 as president and chief executive officer of subsidiary Rockport Publishers before heading the company’s US division for many years. He became COO in 2016 and joined the board as an executive director in 2018. The company writes: “Ken was a compassionate boss, valiant leader, and inspiring mentor, and felt like family to many at Quarto. Known for his business acumen and wicked sense of humor, Ken was passionate about his work and always willing to offer his opinion and guidance. Outside of […]
Obituary: Herman Parish, Joey Paul
Herman Parish, 71, author of 59 Amelia Bedelia books, died on February 10. Parish’s aunt Peggy Parish created the series when he was in fourth grade, and Herman resumed the series in 1995 after her death. The books have sold 55 million copies worldwide. His publisher Harper Collins writes, “He cared deeply about bringing Amelia Bedelia to life for young readers and about making the very best book possible. We will fondly remember his snappy bow ties, his anecdotes and stories, his humor and kindness, his vision and fierce dedication to the timeless Amelia Bedelia, and his magic with words.” […]
Obituaries: Beth Vesel; Jeff Wilson
Beth Vesel, 66, president of Beth Vesel Literary Agency, died suddenly of a heart attack on February 16. Her publishing career spanned 40 years, first at Watkins/Loomis Agency, and later at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates. She founded BVLA in 2003. A funeral will be held on Friday, February 23 at 6 pm at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th St, New York City. Jeff Wilson, vice president, contracts at Hachette Book Group, died on Wednesday, February 14. Wilson joined HBG in December 2022 after a long career at Simon & Schuster. Min Lee, evp, general counsel […]