Longtime literary agent and generous creator of Query Shark, Janet Reid died on Sunday, after a brief illness, reportedly passing “swiftly and at peace, with loved ones seeing her through.” Her client Allison K. Williams wrote on social media, “My beloved agent @Janet_Reid has departed for the great library in the sky. Long before we worked together, her blog & @QueryShark educated me about querying, publishing & writing. She was a generous advice giver who truly listened to writers at all stages.” Friends and her next of kin are working on an official obituary.
Obituary: Lynne Reid Banks
Lynne Reid Banks, 94, author of The Indian in the Cupboard, died of cancer on April 4.
Obituary: John Barth
John Barth, 93, author of nearly 20 novels and books of fiction including The Sot-Weed Factor, died on April 2 at a hospice facility in Bonita Springs, FL.
Obituary: Maryse Conde
Guadeloupean author Maryse Condé, 90, author of more than 20 novels including Segu and The Children of Segu, as well as memoirs, essays, and children’s books, has died.
Obituary: Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman, 90, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow and winner of the 2002 Nobel in economic science, died on March 27.
Obituaries: de Brunhoff, Vinge
French author-illustrator Laurent de Brunhoff, 98, died on March 22 from complications of a stroke. De Brunhoff wrote and illustrated the Babar picture books after the death of his father, Jean, who created the character. Science fiction author Vernor Vinge, 79, died on March 20 from Parkinson’s Disease. Vinge won Hugo Awards for his novels A FIRE UPON THE DEEP, A DEEPNESS IN THE SKY, and RAINBOWS END.