Hannah Allaman has joined Delacorte as associate editor. She was previously assistant editor at Disney-Hyperion. At the University of Texas Press, Robert Devens has been promoted from assistant director to director. Since joining the press in 2013, they say Devens “led the editorial department toward greater successes in its many core areas — from the establishment of new series in fields ranging from Latinx studies to film studies, to more extensive general interest offerings in areas such as biography and music.” Awards The International Booker Prize has postponed the announcement of this year’s winner, set for May 19. They are […]
People, Etc.
Robb Pearlman has joined Smart Pop Books as editor-in-chief. He was previously associate publisher at Rizzoli. Chilean author Luis Sepulveda, who lived in Spain after being exiled by Augusto Pinochet in the 1980s, died on Thursday from Covid-19. He first contracted the disease at the Correntes d’Escritas festival in February. Awards Christy Lefteri’s The Beekeeper of Aleppo won the Aspen Words Literary Prize. Cancelled Bouchercon 2020, planned for October 15-18 in Sacramento has been cancelled “out of an abundance of caution and concern for the health and safety of our community.” The organizers write in a statement, “We have no […]
At Canongate, Andrea Joyce has stepped down as rights director after 13 years with the company. Jessica Neale succeeds her as rights and contracts director. Forthcoming Penguin Random House will publish a digital cookbook on May 5 to benefit restaurants and their workers, priced at $5.99, FAMILY MEAL: Recipes from Our Community. It features over 40 recipes by chefs and home cooks who publish with PRH imprint, covering what they are cooking and drinking at home right now, and all proceeds will benefit the RWCF COVID 19 Crisis Relief Fund. It includes a foreword from Restaurant Workers’ Community Fund co-founder […]
People: Nichols to Join Little, Brown As Publisher
Longtime svp and publisher of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Bruce Nichols will join Little, Brown as svp and publisher on May 4. He will report to ceo Michael Pietsch and join HBG’s executive management board. Nichols, who started his publishing career at Little, Brown in the company’s former College Publishing division, says in the announcement, “I have long admired the range and strengths of the publishing program at Little, Brown, its enormously talented staff, and the spectacular writers they have brought into the world. Continuing their remarkable programs, and finding new opportunities for growth and innovation, is the challenge of a […]
People, Etc.
Hannah Rahill has been promoted to senior vice president, backlist strategy and development at the Random House Group, reporting to Gina Centrello. She will collaborate with cross-functional teams including RH Digital, RH Analytics, Consumer Insights, and Sales Management, to collect and distill emerging trends and market data and identify opportunities. Dave Snow, vice president, human resources, at Simon & Schuster will lead S&S human resources and the Rockefeller Center facilities department, reporting to Carolyn Reidy. The human resources staffs in New York and Riverside, as well as the facilities staff in New York, will report to Snow, who will also […]
People, Etc.
Holly Harris will join Simon & Schuster UK as publishing director, non-fiction, adult publishing division, starting July 6. She is currently editorial and media development director at Penguin Random House UK children’s division. Crooked Lane has a multi-year agreement with Dreamscape Media for production and distribution of audiobooks. Relief Poets & Writers has created a COVID-19 Relief Fund to “provide emergency assistance to writers having difficulty meeting their basic needs.” They will provide grants of up to $1,000 to approximately 80 writers in April. The board allocated $50,000, which has been supplemented by gifts from supporters including Michael Piestch […]