Melanie Kroupa will serve as editor at large at Marshall Cavendish, reporting to publisher Margery Cuyler, starting January 1. Kroupa ran an eponymous imprint for Farrar, Straus Children’s until it was closed about a year ago. She will acquire and edit approximately six books a year, while also continuing to edit a “select number of titles” for others out of her office in Dedham, MA. Authors Kroupa has worked with include this year’s National Book Award winner for Claudette Colvin, Phillip Hoose.
Devon Mazzone will become director of subsidiary rights for the joint department that sells for both Farrar, Straus and Hold, starting January 25. Mazzone has been a scout for the past 11 years with Del Commune Enterprises. At Hachette’s Twelve imprint, Cary Goldstein has been promoted to associate publisher. He has been with the line since it started in 2006. Elsewhere in the company, John Schoenfelder will join Little, Brown on January 11 as editor of their forthcoming and yet-to-be-named suspense fiction imprint. Most recently he was an assistant editor at Thomas Dunne Books, after working at Tor-Forge Books, and […]
Brant Janeway is leaving the ad sales team at The Daily Beast and returning to publishing, joining Macmillan Audio as marketing director. Among his publishing positions, he was director of advertising at Bantam Dell, where he also managed their podcast program. At Orbit Books, DongWon Song has been promoted to Editor, as Jennifer Flax moves up to assistant editor. At Scholastic Press, Jody Corbett has been promoted to associate editor and Erin Black has been promoted to assistant editor. Next March, Poets & Writers will present their annual Writers for Writers Awards to Junot Diaz, Maxine Hong Kingston and M.L. […]
First reported by the Washington Post’s Ron Charles via Twitter, director of the NEA’s national reading initiatives and Big Read evangelist David Kipen‘s position has been eliminated and he will leave the organization at the end of the year. Andrews McMeel publisher Kirsty Melville will move up to the new position of president of AMP’s book division, continuing to report to company ceo and president Hugh Andrews. He notes “she skillfully conceived, developed, and launched AMP’s cookbook program, streamlined our product offerings, accelerated our digital and online presence, and provides energy and leadership to editorial, marketing, sales, and production teams […]
People: Paulsen to Launch Eponymous Children's Imprint; Knopf and Random Canada Merge Editorially; and More
President and publisher of Putnam Children’s for the last 15 years Nancy Paulsen will launch an eponymous imprint, Nancy Paulsen Books in 2011. She plans to publish 12 to 15 picture books, middle grade and young adult novels a uear. Paulsen will keep her current position until a replacement is named, with a search underway now. Paulsen says in the announcement, “I am thrilled with the opportunity to return to my true passion full time–editing. My imprint will focus on publishing a select group of picture books that are eye-opening and inventive, along with fiction, from culturally diverse and distinct […]
Our apologies; yesterday’s notice about was accidentally confusing in that we truncated the name of the recently-deceased John Anthony Aldren Turner, 63. As noted, Turner was publisher/packager/sales director at illustrated books company Cynthia Parzych Publishing in New York, which he ran with his wife. In other sad news to share: Patricia Kienzle Ross, 66, died on December 5, from a rare neurological disorder. She used voice recognition software to dictate an as-yet-unpublished autobiographical novel, Sleight of Hand. An influential children’s book editor and author of many titles, Ross was a senior editor at Knopf-Pantheon Children’s when she left publishing in […]