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Publishers Marketplace Tips
Second Quarter Deals Remain Very Strong
HarperCollins CEO Brian Murray told an investor conference in June that the publisher is, “Being aggressive in terms of buying books. We’ve seen the book pie grow, maybe 15 percent. And so our response, which is part opportunistic and part defensive, is to be aggressive in buying right now.” Our exclusive analysis of deal transactions in the second quarter of 2021 confirms that behavior, across the industry. In the first quarter, US deal volume was 19 percent higher than a year ago (and 21 percent higher than the recent four-year average). For the second quarter, deal volume again registered 18 […]
Join Us Wednesday, July 7 for Our Next Live Discussion, with Publisher Pam Dorman
At noon Eastern on Wednesday, July 7, publisher of Pamela Dorman Books/Viking Pam Dorman joins as us as the next of our featured regular guests in the new PM user form, Discuss. She’ll answer questions such as submitting to overwhelmed editors; what editors look for in proposals; and more.
And the Next Thing
Thanks for the nice feedback on our updated Lunch design (and remember to expect Weekly and Daily Deals to switch over to the new format next week). Our development pipeline has been especially busy lately and today we are rolling out a new site refinement we hope you will find useful. Ever since we launched the Dealmakers interface, it has been our most-visited data collection in the aggregate. All along, the Dealmaker lists have surfaced the most active buyers and sellers across about 70 categories and sub-categories. As the industry has finally started to diversify more meaningfully, we wanted to […]
Introducing Our Summer Discuss Guests
Pamela Dorman, vice president and publisher of Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, joins as us as the next of our featured regular guests in the new PM user forum, Discuss, Wednesday, July 7 at noon, ET. Stacey Barney, associate publisher, Penguin/Nancy Paulsen Books and executive editor, Putnam Children’s, follows on Wednesday, July 21, with Patrice Caldwell, agent and author wrapping up our summer schedule on August 4. Here are a few sample questions to get you started: how an agent can get around issue of editors who are overwhelmed by submissions. agented submissions vs. direct submissions, as well as tips on direct […]
Yes, as noted briefly last week, this looks different. And with luck, better! After many months of development, we are pleased to introduce a fresh look and improved coding for our daily newsletters. The initial, and primary, goal was to make Lunch display better on mobile viewports and across the wide variety of common email services (all of which have their own special ways of mangling email code). As with most renovations, that starting point quickly turned into an opportunity to rethink and revise a lot of our common features and ways of presenting information every day. At the same […]