Just as the Authors Guild has made its signature “model contract” (and new translation model contract) openly available, the organization’s ceo Mary Rasenberger joins us at noon on Wednesday, April 19 as our next weekly AMA guest on the PM forum Discuss. Some people are already posting their questions for Mary; the discussion will happen at this link. As we explained previously, these are straightforward typed message board conversations. No cameras, no sound, no zooming, no separate apps required. Use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Mary will post back. While all of these conversations are […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Discuss Key Publishing Paths Today with Jane Friedman
Today at noon Eastern is the second of our weekly (usually on Wednesdays, except for this week) online discussions for writers at the new Discuss forum at PublishersMarketplace.com. Join editor of The Hot Sheet and expert author educator Jane Friedman as she addresses some of the key publishing paths. The online conversation happens at this link. It’s nothing fancy; it’s not a zoom, or a webinar, or a podcast, but rather a plain old typed forum or message board conversation. Use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Jane will post back. While all of these conversations […]
Same Home, New Flexibility
As you may have noticed, we recently rolled out a gentle evolution of the PublishersMarketplace.com home page. The primary purpose is to make the home page “responsive,” so that it works on screens and devices of all sizes. (Adjust the browser window size on your computer, or check it out on your cellphone to see what we mean.) All the content elements are the same. The big changes are the updated, simplified menu scheme that now sits at the top of a regular browser window (and within the “hamburger” on your cellphone) — and the login box, which moved from […]
Tomorrow’s Discussion
A reminder to writers that tomorrow at 12 Eastern we’ll convene our first live discussion on our new Discuss user forum at PublishersMarketplace. To clear up any confusion, there’s no Zoom link or other media required: These are old-fashioned text-based AMA (ask me anything) sessions with trade publishing veterans. You can join us tomorrow for the live discussion, post your questions in advance, or check the forum after the fact, since we’ll preserve the whole session. Once again, here are the scheduled guests for our first month of discussions. (A reminder: If you’re interested in joining us a featured guest, […]
Up for Discussion
We have a number of new experiments and refinements on the way in April, starting with a new user forum at PublishersMarketplace: Discuss!. You should be able to click through any time you are already logged in to PM. The emphasis as we get started will be hosting regular AMA sessions with a variety of trade publishing veterans, with a focus on serving the growing number of authors who use PublishersMarketplace. (If you’re interested in joining us a featured guest, please write to robin@publishersmarketplace.com.) We’ll also use the Discuss! forum to help answer questions and share knowledge about how to […]
Another Chance for PublishersMarketplace At A Discount
Many people took advantage of our holiday offer earlier this month to try a deep dive into the full resources of PublishersMarketplace.com at a substantial discount. So we’re finished the year with one more short window to try again: Use the “promo code” HNY21 in the indicated field when you register and enjoy the first month of service for just $15. Feel free to share this offer with anyone you think might be interested. (Please note, you must enter code in the “Promo Code: ___” box when registering to work.) This code is valid for a few days only, and […]