As we did around Thanksgiving, we are opening up for a brief free trial, lasting through January 1 — which will be the last opportunity like this for quite some time, so feel free to share if you wish. And, as we noted before the holidays, PM members can load the simple PM News App on your mobile devices if you want to keep an eye on Lunch News, Deals, Automat stories, Jobs and more over the holidays. (The URL is
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Take Us With You
One more pre-holiday message. As usual, Publishers Lunch will be suspended for a bit, while remains open all the time and will be logging deals, news, jobs and other items as they come in, albeit at a more leisurely pace. (14 new jobs were posted this week alone if you are in the market for something new next year.) We expect to send one catch-up issue of the newsletter at the end of next week unless something compelling happens in the meantime. The best way to stay on top of things is always with a membership: We still have […]
Password Changes (and Please Change Your Password)
Members may remember that earlier this year we revamped our password system at Publishers Marketplace, allowing longer passwords and special characters and switching to a more secure way of resetting passwords via an online link (so that your data is never exposed via email). As previewed at the time, we’re now rolling in the final phase of that transition — a gentle requirement that passwords be updated every six months. (Many members have not updated their passwords in…years, and you’ll recall we just marked the site’s 17th anniversary.) The system will prompt you when it’s time to refresh your password, […]
Here We Are Again
As sometimes happens when you get a little older, with the big election and early arrival Thanksgiving we decided to postpone marking the anniversary of for a month. Now just over 17 years old, we’re almost legal and getting ready for our adulthood. The standard reminder: Publishers Lunch is older by about a year and half, though we didn’t know we were starting something when we started, so there’s no easy day to mark. PublishersMarketplace was a second start-up, that involved some actual investment and physically going live on the internet — inauspiciously near the trough of the burst […]
Thanks, And A Little Giving
Most days we go from the daily news and deals cycle to looking ahead at what we can do next, but every once in a while we get a pause to look back and now suddenly the year is almost over. There is much to be grateful for, staring with your continued attention and support — and the generous enthusiasm from members that drives our continuing growth. Net PM memberships continue to grow at a lovely pace year over year, and given that we have never marketed ourselves, that all comes from our readers, members and community at large. For […]
More Deals Details
Our busy stretch of refining and expanding aspects of our sprawling Deals database continues, and you will see the latest wrinkle in the next weekly round-up. The ever-growing section of international deal reports will now be presented alphabetically by territory (with sales in multiple territories listed together at the end). The new categorization is a direct outgrowth of the dedicated translation deal report form we introduced earlier this summer, which gives each transaction territory-specific tagging. Please note that all non-English sales should be reported through this form now — and all other deal reports should use the revamped regular deal […]