The election pretty much ate November so we postponed marking the anniversary of for a month — but it’s a big one, so it shouldn’t go unmarked. Improbable as it sounds, it has been just over 15 years since we launched our site. It’s a little comforting, in an odd way, in these charged and uncertain times, to remember that we launched at what would commonly have been considered the very worst moment in history to initiate a paid online content business, or a new business of any kind. The NASDAQ began its two-year collapse in late 2000 so […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
14 Years of Marketplace, and More to Come
Recognizing the muted state of the world right now, it is still that time of year when we take a brief pause from the daily to-do list to mark the 14th birthday of (That means that Publishers Lunch turned 15 early this year, but since we didn’t know we were starting something enduring at the time, the precise date of origin remains a bit mysterious.) As longtime readers/members know, we often try to launch some kind of new feature around our birthday — building on our initial pledge in 2001 to iterate and innovate on a continuing basis. (Yes, we […]
And We’re Back
For some of you, this may be your first email from us in a week or so. Last week a number of gateways erroneously blocked our mail. Because of a glitch at our email service provider, it look longer than usual to reenable those bounced addresses for sending. With luck they have fixed the glitch going forward, and we appreciate your patience while we yelled at them. Please remember that you can always view our news online via But also, many corporate gateways “whitelist” our mail to prevent situations like this. If you were blocked, please refer your IT people […]
Help Us Help You
With summer officially underway, the small but dedicated staff here at Publishers Lunch/ is dreaming of a few rare hours or even days away from the keyboard. We love to hear from readers and customers and we strive to process your news and answer your questions as quickly as possible — but that all depends on your reaching us through the preferred channels, so it’s a good time to revisit some tips on the best ways to reach us. Our process is designed to share most emails with multiple staff members, so whoever is on duty and online can do what […]
Still Available: A Discount Code for New PM Subscribers
As we first noted right after Groundhog Day, we have brought back our very occasional offer of a discount for those who want to try our full, paid service at For a limited time only, we invite new subscribers to check out a whole month’s worth of all of the resources at for just $15, a “rollback” to our original price. On the second of our two registration pages, when you are asked to “choose a payment plan,” just enter the code 2015 in the “Promo code:” box. Having a full month at a discount is the best way to […]
New At PM: Tracking Stock Availability
Since we started over 13 years ago, one of our core features has been the Book Tracker. Originally designed follow Amazon and BN sales rank for lists of individual ISBNs (with stored histories), the Tracker has expanded over the years to contain all kinds of ISBN-related information, along with automatic tracking to check sales rank twice a day. User suggestions have helped drive some of the expansion, with Amazon price change tracking added when ebook prices were in regular flux. Now, at the prompt of literary agent Ted Weinstein, we have added another twist, automatically monitoring Amazon in-stock availability […]